Value of the Month- April

Our value of the month for April is Freedom

What is Freedom?

  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Self-expression
  • Freedom of speech

Suggestions for parents to work with children at home:

  • Together, talk about people in history who were being ruled by someone else and wanted freedom, e.g. Moses and the Israelites, slaves in the US before the Civil War; Hanukkah; Nelson Mandela.
  • Discuss with your child about historical slavery and modern day human trafficking.
  • Discuss with your child about the Syria Refugee Crisis.
  • Different Rules of Law around the world. Discuss with your child democracy in Britain and how this may be different from countries around the world.
  • Freedom of self- expression. Discuss with your child the importance of their identity and being able to express themselves. Explain that people living in Britain are able to express themselves how they choose; as long as it doesn’t break the law (Individual Liberty).
  • Discuss inner freedom– having positive thoughts. What does inner freedom feel like? When do you feel most free? What kinds of thoughts make you feel free? Constrained?


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