Year 2 Home Learning- Thursday 26th March

Here are some ideas for today’s learning!

Spellings– Using the spellings we uploaded earlier in the week. Could you play hangman? Perhaps ask a parent or sibling to join you!

We have also set two more 2dos for you to complete on Purple Mash.

The Maths activity looks at number bonds to 100 as well as a range of addition and subtraction questions. Remember that you can use your number bonds to 10 to help you work out number bonds to 100. e.g. if 2 + 8 = 10 then the extra 0 on 100 makes the number 100, ten times bigger than 10. So I know that 20+80= 100.

Literacy- The ‘In the Woods’ game looks at applying adjectives (describing words) and adverbs (often words that end in ‘ly’ and describe how the verb is done) to sentences.

Some fun suggestions…

  • Practise Origami (Could you make something out of paper to link with our Paper Art unit in school?)
  • Set out your lunch to look like a picture
  • Learn some basic sign language or maybe a short song
  • Write and perform your own song/poem
  • Practise skipping

Remember to keep uploading on to the blog. We love seeing all of the amazing things you are doing!



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