🌟 Achievement Assembly 🌟

Friday 29th November

We feel as though the Christmas period has truly begun this week. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our Christmas fayre – the children loved it! Classes are busy practising their Christmas songs and we are all very much looking forward to the coming weeks of Christmas celebrations!

BeSMART Cup winners who will have a special treat next week:

Our Hub Class for showing excellent behaviour around school. They have been noticed by lots of adults for their wonderful, sensible walking in the corridors and for trying so hard with their learning.

Attendance winners this week – Gertie and Omar will join them next week in class and they will all enjoy an extra playtime:

This week, we have two KS2 winners; Mrs Stack and Miss Clay’s class for working hard to improve their attendance to 98% and Miss Watson’s class with an impressive 99%

Achievers of the week:

Year 6 achievers: Filip for outstanding effort in his writing this week. Arush for showing such a passion and enthusiasm for learning and outstanding writing in his chance to shine.

Year 5 achievers:  Georgie for excellent effort with her independent writing. Skylar has worked incredibly hard over the last few weeks; she has written a descriptive Norse myth filled with figurative language.

Year 4 achievers: Eliza for fantastic effort in all her work this week and for being a symmetry superstar in Maths. Daisy for excellent progress within our geometry unit in Maths.

Year 3 achievers: Toby for always following the BeSMART code, always giving 100% in lessons and always being a kind friend. Robyn for being an enthusiastic learner who always follows the BeSMART code.

Year 2 achievers: Eleonora for always being kind, helpful and setting a good example. She’s trying hard in everything. Dola for being an outstanding role model, a kind friend and working consistently every day.

Year 1 achievers: Katie for trying so hard to follow the BeSmart code and showing extra kindness to the younger children. Amelie for being very brave and sensible with her broken arm. She has continued to work as hard as she always does and still has had her big smile on her face every day.

Year R achievers: Liam for his wonderful positive singing in our Christmas rehearsals and amazing effort and progress in phonics this week. Declan for a fantastic week following the BeSMART Code. Declan has been helpful around the classroom, used his Fred Fingers independently for writing and shown resilience when trying something he finds tricky.


Readers of the week – these children were entered into our weekly reading raffle:

Year 6 readers: Emma for in-depth comments including examples of Year 6 SPAG features. Harlen for his first full week of reading and great comments – very well done!

Year 5 readers: Naomi for showing me how much she loves her Japanese book and now she is learning the language.  Ria for consistently impressing with her thoughtful comments and determination to get the most out of her reading.

Year 4 readers: Jacob for trying hard to improve his number of home reads over the past couple of weeks. April for brilliant descriptions every day, sometimes twice, of books she is reading and answers to questions. Brilliant job!

Year 3 readers: Alfie for really trying hard to extend his answers to his reading diary questions. Well done Alfie! Arya for working incredibly hard at home with her reading and questions.

Year 2 readers: Robbie, who reads every night and is showing resilience even when he finds it tricky- well done. Miss Lowe’s reader was chosen for working hard at home and always trying her best. She has been reading her books and practising her speedy words.

Year 1 readers: Mahya for lots of reading at home and answering all her questions in the diary. Oscar for super reading at home and completing lots of extra homework. Fantastic work Oscar.

Congratulations to all of our superstars. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday 😊