Achievement Assembly

This week Year 6 blew us all away with their amazing production of the Jungle Book which was an amazing success! A huge thank you to all the staff for ensuring such a high-quality performance. They are now busy preparing for their Y6 leavers’ assembly next week…  

BeSMART Cup winners who will have a special treat next week: Year 6 must be chosen for all their hard work and dedication to learning their lines and parts so brilliantly for their production, as well as their hard work throughout the time they have been here. Enjoy a special treat next week.  

Attendance winners this week – Gertie and Omar will join them next week in class and they will all enjoy an extra playtime:  

EYFS/KS1 winners are Miss Buckingham’s Year 1 class with 99.7% 

KS2 winners are Miss Jones’ Year 6 class with 99.7%. 

Thank you to all those who took part in our parent survey. These are the winners of the Parent Survey Raffle: 

Skateboard- Isla in Year 4 

Swimming pool – One of the children in Ladybugs 

Water pistol – Eli in Year 1 

Leather football – Lila in Year 3 

Plastic ball – Coby in Year 1 

Tennis Rackets- Eva in Year 4 

Achievers of the week: 

Year 6 achievers: Yasmin for fantastic work on the production backdrop and on Art Day. Daniel for spectacular sketches today.  

Year 5 achievers: Gracie for excellent participation in Art Day, even with a sore wrist! Maddie for a beautiful bird creation using oil pastels. 

Year 4 achievers: Miss McCullagh’s achiever was chosen for showing such great enthusiasm with every aspect of art day from his fantastic contribution of materials, his artist outfit and his effort with every activity. Skye Wheeler for working hard to create a beautiful hedgerow tile.  

Year 3 achievers: Parker for using as many recyclable items as possible to create his part in the hedgerow and then moving on to help others too! Zara for always showing excellent enthusiasm in Art and working diligently to create amazing artworks. 

Year 2 achievers: Jessica for showing her creative flare and vibrant style in all our ocean art projects today! Corban for his determination, creativity and helpfulness.   

Year 1 achievers: Tobias for being an amazing artist and giving 100% effort to all our art projects. Robbie for having a positive attitude to art day and working independently to make a fish from recycled materials. 

Readers of the week – these children were entered into our weekly reading raffle for their amazing efforts: 

Year 6 readers: Lucas with always completing the full complement of weekly reads. Niamh for always making comprehensive comments in her diary. 

Year 5 readers: Finley Kilford for regularly achieving a Platinum Reading Award and always taking care with the presentation of his reading comments. Rhys for his detailed reading comments this week.  

Year 4 readers: Antoni for using a range of year 4 SPaG features in his diary entries and consistently reading every week.  

Year 3 readers: Rosie for keeping up the effort with reading at home all year! Basit for beautiful presentation in his reading diary and reading 5+ times! Well done Basit!  

Year 2 readers: Arya for putting in lots of effort to read from home. Well done!  

Year 1 readers: Henry for super reading at home and always having a positive attitude towards reading. Alfie for being a super star reader at home.