Lost property – passport

We have had a passport handed into the office that as been found on school premises.

Please contact the school office if you think this is yours or please inform anyone you think it may belong too.


Thank you

Y5 Harry Potter trip – Tuesday 14th January

Harry Potter Reminders

Please see the reminders and updates regarding our Harry Potter trip next week on Tuesday 14th January.

  • Travel sickness: If your child suffers from travel sickness, please give them a tablet prior to dropping them off at school. Should they require an additional tablet for the return journey, please inform us via your child’s reading diary. We will then provide you with a medication form, which needs to be returned to school, along with the tablet in its original packaging.
  • Departure: The bus will be at the bus stop on Rock Road and not at school, so please bring your child here and stay with them until the adults arrive and allow them to enter the bus. Please note we will be getting on the bus at 6.45am and leaving at 7am. We will not be able to wait for children who are late. 
  • Lunch: Children need to bring a healthy packed lunch and drink with them (no sweets or chocolates as this can make children sick on long journeys). Please can lunches be in a small, empty backpack or in a plastic bag; children will need to go through security and carry their bags around with them all day. They will not need reading diaries or homework books.
  • Uniform: Children are to wear their school uniform, with comfortable trainers.
  • Gift Shop: There should be a small amount of time for children to visit the gift shop. Therefore, if you would like, your child can bring up to £15 spending money. Children will be responsible for looking after their own money all day which is why we have limited it to £15.

We will update you with an estimated time of arrival back at school via the website and social media. We hope for this to be by 6:00pm.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 5 team

Arriving Ready for School

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thankfully the snow is slowly melting and we hope for a trouble free start to the term tomorrow. Do take care near our site though, as we are unsure as to what the temperatures will do.

We thought it would be useful to share the slide below with you. We will be dedicating some assembly time to this tomorrow.

If you are struggling with getting your children into school or struggling to get uniform, please do talk to us as we might be able to help.

Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Parent View Survey – final call!

Dear Parent/Carers,


Happy New Year! I trust you all had a great holiday.

As I hope you all know, we very much take on board the views of all our children and parents. These views are regularly shared with the Newdale teams.

We consult with pupils through every Governor meeting, and phase leaders/subject leaders also carry out additional pupil voice regularly over the year.

We believe that school and home very much need to work in partnership, with children being at the centre. There simply must be a two-way feeling of trust between school and home, along with open, honest lines of communication.

I have always prioritised having a school ‘open door’ policy where we offer many different ways of communication for parents to use, including a class email address, many staff on duty am and pm (including senior managers), office staff and home school communication books to name a few of these. The hope is always that if parents do want to relay any messages, that they can easily and rapidly.

Thank you to the 47 parents that have already filled in our request to complete Parent View this academic year.

We would very much appreciate it if many more parents would complete this survey so we can gain a fuller picture of your opinions of Newdale.


We have already begun looking carefully at the small number of responses. A significant majority of our parents continue to be really happy with the Newdale offer – thankyou. I understand that we cannot please everyone, but I can reassure you that all teams certainly try so hard to do just that. I am lucky enough to visit very many other schools, and I know as fact that Newdale goes above and beyond in its offer for the children we have. This is regularly verified by external visitors including our School Improvement Advisor, Local Authority quality assurance visits, safeguarding audits and of course our Ofsted visits. We are incredibly proud of the Outstanding Ofsted result which we gained in May 2023. There are only a very small number of schools across the entire country that manage the ‘double outstanding’ judgement.  I hope this is external reassurance that our school continues to be operating at a very high level.

As stated, I am under no illusion that we cannot please everyone, however, that does not stop us from trying to.  We are all on the same side and should be focussed on working together to support children to be the best they can be.

Thank you for your support in ensuring our school continues to grow in a positive way for all of our children.

Miss Cook

Merry Christmas!

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have finally made it to the last day of a very long term. It was so lovely to see the children in the hall this morning enjoying a snowball fight as part of our fun, seasonal activities.

We promise you we will hand them back this afternoon all super excited and ready for the big day!

With the Panto and the numerous events we have had this half term, it really has flown by. Thank you for all of the support you have shown the teams at Newdale along the way. It really does make a huge difference. We take our partnership with parents very seriously.

From all of the staff at Newdale, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

We look forward to welcoming your children back on Tuesday 7th January. Staff are carrying out a training day on Monday 6th January.


Miss Cook

Message for Miss Lowe’s class


Dear Parents/Carers of Miss Lowe’s class,

 As you will have noticed, Miss Lowe is currently not in school. She will also remain out of school for this final week. This absence is linked to personal circumstances and unfortunately cannot be avoided.

 Miss McCullagh and the rest of our fabulous team are working closely with Miss Hill in covering the class. Rest assured the children will have another fabulous, festive week!

 We will be booking in the missed parents evening appointments early in the new year when we hope Miss Lowe will return.

 Thank you for your patience.

Miss Cook


Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school
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