E-Safety Top Tips- February Newsletter and Screen Time Advice

Please find February’s Online Safety Newsletter below.

Online Safety Newsletter February 2025_Newdale_31-01-2025

This month, it includes information on: monitoring apps that can help manage your child’s device, ways to mitigate risk online when communicating with others and advice on the appropriate age for Snapchat.

Additionally, please see the link below to support children in the Early Years with screen time, finding a healthy balance.

How to help under-5s balance screen time | Internet Matters

If you need more support or guidance with online safety, please contact a staff member or send us an email.

Email: newdale.primary@taw.org.uk

Year 2 -Miss Hill’s Class

Miss Hill’s class won the Be SMART cup. As a treat, the children have chosen to come into school wearing pyjamas, oodies or dressing gowns. They will then have popcorn in the afternoon. They will celebrate this on Thursday 6th February due to it being the NSPCC number day on Friday.

Keep working hard Year 2!
Miss Hill :)

Safer Internet Day 2025

Safer Internet Day 2025 will take place on Tuesday 11th of February 2024, with celebrations and learning based around the theme Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online’

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the celebration sees thousands of organisations get involved to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

Safer Internet Day is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety. Created in consultation with young people across the UK. This Safer Internet Day we will assess the real scale of this issue and allow young people to share their experiences and ideas on how to tackle the problem. We’ll build on the important work being done to raise awareness of issues, answering questions such as:

  • How is changing technology like generative AI going to impact the approach of scammers?
  • What role can the government and internet industry take to tackle this threat?
  • And what changes would young people like to see to help protect themselves moving forward?

With your help, Safer Internet Day 2025 can be a springboard for conversations that shape how we talk about and respond to online issues, not just for one day, but throughout the whole year.

Using tailored learning materials, tips and resources for all ages, Safer Internet Day challenges everyone to play their part in fostering supportive relationships and respectful communities online.

If you would like to find out more information about Safer Internet Day, please click the link below.

Safer Internet Day 2025 – UK Safer Internet Centre

If you need more support or guidance with online safety, please contact a staff member or send us an email.

Email: newdale.primary@taw.org.uk

E-Safety Top Tips – January Newsletter

Please find January’s Online Safety Newsletter below:

Online Safety Newsletter Primary January 2025_Newdale_06-01-2025

This month, it includes information on: age ratings for different apps, social media influencers and Fortnite Battle Royale being rated PEGI 12 due to
moderate violence.

There is also an EE Game Smart article attached at the bottom which gives you tips on loot boxes and parental controls.

If you need more support or guidance with online safety, please contact a staff member or send us an email.

Email: newdale.primary@taw.org.uk


Year 2- PE Days and Forest School – Spring 1

We have had a fabulous term in Year 2. The children have worked really hard and all the adults are so proud of them.

Please see key days below for Spring 1:

Monday- Forest School (children bring a spare kit in with them)

Tuesday- Gymnastics

Wednesday- Football (Crossbar)

We hope all the children have a wonderful break and we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

The Year 2 Team


KS1 Nativity- Beep Beep Bethlehem

Wow! What a wonderful day it has been!

All of the adults are so proud of the children for their fantastic singing, dancing and acting.

Once again, thank you for supporting the children by helping with their costumes and also helping them learn the lines/ words to songs.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy spending time with your families.

Thanks for your continued support.

The Year 1 and Year 2 Team

E-Safety Top Tips- December Newsletter

Please find December’s Online Safety Newsletter below:

Online Safety Newsletter December 2024_Newdale_27-11-2024

This month, it includes information on: tips to help you with cyberbullying, Roblox and how to improve your family’s online wellbeing.

If you need more support or guidance with online safety, please contact a staff member or send us an email.

Email: newdale.primary@taw.org.uk

Year 2 at the Cinema

The children had a wonderful day at the cinema yesterday and were a credit to Newdale.

Thank you to our volunteers who came to help.

Below are some pictures of our trip:



Year 2 – Cinema Volunteers

Year 2 are looking for volunteers for the Cinema Trip on Tuesday 19th November from 9:15-12:15.

If you would like to come, please speak with the class teacher/teaching assistant or write a note in your child’s reading diary.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 2 Team.

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