Year 5 Snow Day Activities

Year 5 – Snow day activities

Good morning everyone,

We hope you have a great day at home today and are able to spend some time outside playing safely in the snow! Please find below some tasks we would love you to have a go at between snow based activities.

These activities will all be live to you on google classroom shortly.


Please complete the speech task on google classroom or in your homework books.


Iceberg Areas

Find the area of the icebergs. To find the area of a triangle multiply the height on the iceberg by the width and then divide by two!

Please also access TTRS. Remember there is the TTRS trophy up for grabs this week!


Complete the task on google classroom or create your own friction experiment.

History Viking Research

Continuing the work we were doing in class yesterday, we would love to hear about any further research you can do on the Vikings. It could be more information about their travelling expeditions and how they travelled, or it could be about another part of the Vikings.

Snowmen and Snow Art Competition!

We would also like you to have a nice time outside enjoying the snowy weather! We would love to see who can build the biggest or most inventive snowman or snow sculpture! Alternatively, any ‘snow art’ you can produce would also be great to see.

We would also love to see your snowmen/snow sculptures by sending them to the email below.

You can add a comment to this post if you have any questions for us.

Mr Jackson and Mrs King

Year 5 P.E this half term

I hope you all had a wonderful first day in Year 5. As a reminder, please see the following information regarding P.E days this half term.

This Friday, both classes will have outdoor P.E. In weeks 2, 3 and 4, outdoor P.E will be on Thursday due to a Hockey coach coming in to teach the children.

From the second week, Mr Jackson’s class will have Swimming on a Friday and Mrs King’s class will have outdoor P.E on a Friday. We will send out information when this will swap over.

Kind regards

The Year 5 Team


PE kits Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Crossbar PE Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Friday PE Both classes
PE Kits
Mr Jackson’s—Swimming
Mrs King’s —Outdoor athletics

Harlem Globetrotter visitor

Today we were lucky enough to meet Paul Sturgess, a professional basketball player and actor who gave a fantastic assembly as well as basketball session.

Year 5 Class Assembly

Dear Parent/Carer

Due to the partial theme of our assembly, children who own Harry potter cloaks may bring these to wear on Thursday next week. Please to do not feel the need to purchase anything especially and to only bring these if already owned. Children can otherwise come in normal school uniform and we will prepare them for the assembly.

We look forward to seeing you then.

The Year 5 team.

Year 5 Severn Valley Country Park

Severn Valley Country Park Trip

On Tuesday 2nd May, Year 5 will be going on a trip to Severn Valley Country Park. The trip would take place within the school day, returning before home time. We currently have space for a parent helper to come with us. If this is something you would be interested in, please let us know in the reading diary.

Many thanks,


Mr Jackson

Nature Walk

Year 5 will be going on their nature walk on the afternoon of Thursday 30th March. Please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat, suitable clothing and footwear.


Many thanks

Mr Jackson, Mrs Arthurs and Mrs Poole

Snow Day – Year 5

Good Morning Year 5

As you will have seen, school will not be open today due the snowy conditions. Mrs Arthurs and I will be putting some activities onto Google Classroom to keep you busy today. Please try and get yourselves logged on, go to classwork and then look for the topic ‘Snowday’. Feel free to also go on TTRS, Fiction Express and start your homework, which was stuck into your home books yesterday.

If you have any issues or problems, please contact

You can also use this email address to send any work you want to share with us today – especially any snow related activities you get up to today! The competition for the largest snowball starts now!

We hope you have a great day,

The Year 5 Team.

Year 5 School Closure

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your cooperation this afternoon.

At home, the children can continue to work on their homework (we have given them their homework for next week as well). They could also access TTRS and Fiction Express.

Many thanks

The Year 5 Team

Reminder: Outdoor P.E tomorrow

Hi Everyone

A reminder that Year 5 will have outdoor P.E Tomorrow (Tuesday). Please can children come to school in their outdoor P.E kit.

Kind Regards

The Year 5 Team

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