Year 6 Water Battle

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our water battle will be at the end of the day tomorrow. The children will not need to bring spare clothes as they can just go straight home afterwards, but you may want to have some spare clothes waiting for them.


Year 6 Team

Tetrapak contributions

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of Art Day on Friday 12th July, we will be printing using tetrapak cartons. There are orange juice or oat milk cartons which you may have at home. Could you please send any empty, clean containers in with your child as soon as possible.

Each child needs to bring in at least one tetrapak carton in order to complete their project.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 6 Team

Wrekin Reminders

Dear Parents/Carers,

Tomorrow is our Wrekin ‘climb against cancer’. There are a number of things to remember – especially as most of  Year 6 have been out on transition.

Please remind your child to bring a light bag to include:

A packed lunch (unless you have ordered school sandwiches)
Waterproof coat/jacket
Appropriate shoes (not wellies)
A plastic carrier bag to sit on (it is forecast to rain)
A red t-shirt only
Money if you would like to buy merchandise (cash only and small change please. This will be your child’s responsibility)

Please bring your sponsorship money in by the end of this week Friday 5th July or you can donate to our Go Fund Me page.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 6 Team

Leavers photos

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 6 will have their photographs taken on Thursday. They will need to wear their normal polo shirt and jumper, but they can wear their jogging bottoms and trainers for PE later in the day.

Apologies for any confusion,

The Year 6 Team

History Trail tomorrow 24/04/24

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please ensure that your child bring appropriate and comfortable footwear (in a separate bag) for our history walk tomorrow afternoon. Children will also need coats. We will be back in school for the end of the school day as normal.

Kind regards,

Year 6 Team

History Walk

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our history walk has been re-scheduled for Wednesday 24th April. Please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing on this day.

The Year 6 Team

History Trail Tomorrow

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 6 will be having visitors tomorrow afternoon to complete a history trail around our local area. The children should wear their usual school uniform but should also bring appropriate footwear (wellies or old trainers) in a separate bag and a waterproof coat. We will be going whatever the weather – rain is forecast.

The Year 6 Team

RE in Year 6

Today year 6 compared Hindu and Christian places of worship. We looked at Christian and Hindu artefacts and researched different features of mandirs and churches. Year 6 then shared what they had found out during the lesson.

Mrs Arthurs’ Class – BeSMART treat

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Mrs Arthurs’ class won the BeSMART cup at the end of last week. As their treat, they will be having a “fluffy Friday” on Friday 19th January. They will wear their school uniform but can bring in something fluffy/cosy to wear such as a dressing gown or cosy jumper. The children will not wear them out to break or lunch to make sure they are kept clean, but they will wear them in lessons and around school during the day.

Kind regards,

Mrs Arthurs

Shrewsbury Prison Trip

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Year 6 will be going on their trip to Shrewsbury Prison this week (Thursday 11th January). The trip will run between normal school hours. The children will need to wear their usual school uniform with comfortable footwear. However, please note that it is very cold in the prison at this time of year so they will need a warm coat.

The children will be eating their lunch at the prison and will need to bring a packed lunch and water with them in their school bags. Please let your child’s class teacher know if they require a school packed lunch.

Kind regards,

The Year 6 Team

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