School Closure

Apologies for the delay in sending this. Miss Cook was on her way to assess the school site but got stuck in the snow.

Due to the adverse weather conditions and the current unsafe accessibility onto our school site, we are forced to make the decision to close the school. Learning will be online today. Please await further information from your child’s class teacher via the school website.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

For their final farewell, year 6 will be hosting an awards ceremony, distributing awards to peers who they have voted for in class. The assembly will begin at 2.00pm and there will be an opportunity for photographs to be taken at the end. The children can bring in smart clothing (such as their prom outfit), if they wish to change into this before the event, however this is not compulsory.

We ask that no more than two adults per household attend to ensure there is enough room in the hall for every6one.

Thank you,

The Year 6 Team.

Parents’ Evening

Parents’ Evenings
So far we have had 300 parents’ appointments made. If you haven’t yet tried to log on to the new system, please can you do so today or tomorrow. There have been a few technical issues, which have now be resolved, but we were only made aware when some parents struggled to log in. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you are unable to book an appointment on the system. The booking system closes on Friday 4th November at lunchtime. Many thanks.

Year 4 Information

Key dates for Y4

Please see below information for the rest of the half term.

  • As part of our D&T unit, the children will be making torches during the WC 7th February. Please can children bring in cereal boxes/thin cardboard to use to make the shell of their torches. They can start bringing things in this week.
  • Y4 have their Nature Walk on Friday 11thFebruary in the afternoon. Please can children come into school in their school uniform but bring in suitable footwear and a waterproof coat for the walk.
  • On the last day of half term (Friday 18thFebruary), the children will be having a Y4 Art Day. Please can children come into school wearing old clothes.

Many thanks

The Y4 Team

Y4 Trip

All of Y4 represented Newdale exceptionally well on their trip to Blists Hill.

Please ask your child what they learnt on their trip and how this links to what they have been learning back at school.

Parent Workshop

Does your child spend time exploring online?

The internet’s a great place for children to learn, create, chat with friends and family, access information or support and explore fun apps, sites and games. But exploring comes with risks, so it’s vital we know how to keep them safe online.

That’s why we’d like to invite you to join our FREE workshop: ‘Keeping children safe online’.

Our workshop will:

  • Help you understand how kids experience the online world
  • Show you resources and tools that could help keep them safe
  • Empower you to guide them on their journey

For: parents, carers, family members  (this workshop is for adults so please arrange childcare if possible)

Location: Newdale Primary School

Date: Monday 14th February 2022

Time: 2-3pm

Price: free

Delivered by: NSPCC – Rachel Wallace

To book your place please speak to your child’s class teacher or Mrs Powell.



As Mrs Fenn will be starting her maternity leave soon, she will be carrying out her parents’ evenings earlier on than the rest of the school.  Due to the current rise in COVID cases, the safest option is for telephone consultations to take place rather than the normal face to face meetings.

Please find attached more information. Letters are being sent out today.

Mrs Fenn’s and Everall’s Parents’ Evenings

Many thanks

The Y4 Team

Our Miner Visitors

Today we were very lucky to receive a workshop run by two ex miners. We learnt about mining from their first hand accounts. Why not ask your child what they learnt about mining? You could even get them to research mines in the Telford area on the internet. Perhaps you walk past some old mine shafts such as the colliery at the Granville.

Welcome Back

The adults in Year 4 are looking forward to welcoming back children tomorrow (Wednesday 5th January 2022).

Just a couple of reminders:

PE Days:

Monday – Indoor

Thursday – Outdoor

Spelling/Times Tables Test

Due to it being a shorter week, children will be tested on their spellings/times tables next week.

Please remember to use the school communication books for messages or our Y4 email address.

Miss Cook has sent out an update re Covid. We encourage all parents to test their children using a lateral flow test before returning to school.

Keep an eye out on Parent Pay as we will be sharing an exciting trip for the end of January.

Many thanks

The Y4 Team

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