Curriculum Governors Involvement in School

The Curriculum Committee Governors met on the 11th December 2024. The enjoyed listening to the Upper Phase Leader talk about her role and the impact she has across Year 5 & 6.

They viewed the new Pupil Premium Strategy and questioned the lead on expenditure and the impact expected over the year.

As ever, the Governors really enjoyed talking to the children about their learning. This time, the theme was Religious Education. The Governors agreed that the children all enjoy this subject and were able to confidently articulate their learning so far this year and from previous years.

Finally, the Governors spent time looking at parent and pupil voice information linked to our Breakfast and Afterschool club. Governors were reassured that the offer we have is robust and looked on favourably by both parents and children. During the next meeting Governors are going to look at our Science curriculum.

Parent Governor Election Results

We are pleased to announce that Amanda Price has been successful in renewing her role as Parent Governor following the recent parent elections. Amanda’s dedication and commitment to our school community have been invaluable, and we are delighted that she will continue to serve on the governing board for the next four years.

Her new term of office will commence on the 11th March.

Finance & Personnel committee school involvement

The Finance and Personnel Committee met on Monday 2nd December. They carefully looked at the financial aspects of our school and supported in prioritising forthcoming necessary expenditure. This included spending linked to special educational needs support. The Governors enjoyed talking to a group of children who attend our Breakfast and Afterschool club provision. They were happy to hear that the children spoke positively about both offers. The children suggested that money should be spent on more lego and minifigures! This will be investigated! Donations are gratefully received!

Notice of Parent Governor election and request for nominations

I am writing to invite parents, guardians and carers of registered pupils to put their names forward for election to serve as parent governors of this school.  There is one vacancy. The term of office of the elected candidates will start on Thursday 13th March 2025 and will last for 4 years.

Please read the notes on the back of this letter and if, after doing so, you would like to put your name forward as a candidate please complete the Candidate Nomination Form (Form 2) and the Disqualification Declaration Form (Form 3) and return them to me by Friday 29th November.  It may be that you would wish to propose another parent to serve as a parent governor.  Please note that in this case the parent in question should complete the nomination form after you have discussed the possibility.

  • Candidates need to submit a personal statement in support of their nomination, not more than 500 words giving:
  • Evidence of skills and experience the governing body desires.
  • And / or their commitment to undertake training to acquire or develop skills to be an effective governor
  • If seeking re-election details of their contribution to the work of the GB during previous term of office.
  • How they plan to contribute to the future work of the GB

They may not indicate that they are endorsed or supported by any particular group.

Only parents who now have and will have children registered at the school on the nomination closing date of Friday 29th November and term of office start date Thursday 13th March 2025 are eligible to stand for election.

If it is necessary for there to be an election I will provide further details of the arrangements.

Please find below the forms as links below.

Information Notes

Candidate Nomination Form

Governor Declaration Form

Miss Cook, Headteacher

Safeguarding, H&S governors involvement

The Health and Safety Governors met on the 18th November. They spoke to a range of children about online safety and what happens in school to ensure they are kept safe. The Governors were impressed with their knowledge and confident that the curriculum and assembly offer is robust.

Governors carried out a ‘spot check’ with a member of staff to see how well they understand the policy and procedure around safeguarding. They were reassured in the staff members confidence and understanding.

Governors analysed the record keeping linked to safeguarding and could see that every element of incident is well recorded with subsequent analysis and actions following.


Curriculum governors involvement in school

Governors met yesterday as part of our Curriculum Committee. They focussed on the Special Educational Needs offer in the school and listened to the SENDco describe how the most complex needs children are supported.

Children from Year 2 to 6 attended a pupil voice session looking at the History offer. Children enjoyed sharing their history books with Governors and were able to confidently articulate their learning over time. Next time Governors look forward to hearing about our newly developed Religious Education offer.

Safeguarding, Health and Safety Committee Update

The Health and Safety Governors carried out their half termly meeting on the 3rd October. They spent time looking at the safeguarding curriculum offer and ensured the Government guidelines around Relationships and Sex Education were now in place. Governors carried out a random ‘spot check’ of staff to ensure that the staff were confident in policy and procedure around the many aspects of safeguarding within a school.


Finance & Personnel Committee Governors Involvement

Finance and Personnel Governors met last week. They looked carefully at the costs associated with the high levels of special educational needs within the school and were pleased with the provision on offer. They studied in detail the Summer term parent survey and were again pleased in reading so many positive responses. They focused on development points and were reassured that telephone calls had been made and actions taken where appropriate. Next time the Governors will continue looking at SEND provision across the school.

Safeguarding, Health & Safety Committee Update

Governors observed the annual innvacution and were impressed with the speed in which children got into their classrooms.

ROSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) report was analysed thoroughly, and governors had the chance to look first hand outside at items listed and share their thoughts.

Governors were delighted to speak to a parent in the meeting who receives excellent support from school. Governors are looking forward to seeing the opening of the new hub provision and talking to the children during the autumn term.

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