Poppy Appeal


This year we are again supporting the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and will be selling poppy resources to raise much needed funds for this worthwhile cause.

Children can buy paper poppies at school, by bringing their donation in for a poppy to their classroom. The poppy will be given out at the end of the day to take home.

Selling of paper poppies and other resources will start from Wednesday 6th November until Monday 11th November.

We do have a number of other poppy themed resources that will only be available to purchase from the school office at break times.

Please see the attached information with details of the items that children can buy in exchange for a donation (suggested donation amounts are included).

Suggested donation:

Reflectors – £1.00

Bands – £1.00

Snap Bands – £1.50

We only have limited supplies, so once gone, they are gone!!

Thank you for your support.

School Parliament Members

Children in Need 2024

Children in Need Day will be on Friday 15th November 2024.

Children will be able to come to school wearing spots/dress down clothing.

All donations must be made using the following link, no cash can be accepted.


Half Term Holiday Activities

October Half Term Holiday Activity Programme

Take a look at our October Half Term Holiday Activity Programme covering Monday 28 October to Sunday 3 November 2024.

For further information and to check out the brochure click on the link.


British Values Week

We are excited to announce that this week is British Value’s Week. As part of this week, the children will learn about our British Values: mutual respect, individual liberty, the rule of law and democracy and how to be good citizens within our community. Mrs Morrow, who leads our school parliament, will be running our annual elections. Keep your eyes peeled for the results!

Secondary School Openings

Secondary applications are now open for September 2025 starters.  Please see below the dates and time of opening evenings throughout September and October 2024.

 School Open Evening Time Open Days (during the school day)
Abraham Darby Academy 3rd October 6pm – 8:30pm
Burton Borough 2nd October  5pm – 8pm  3rd, 4th October 9:15am -11am
Charlton 10th October 5pm – 8pm 10th October 9:20am-11:40am Bookable

via reception

Ercall Wood Academy 3rd October 6pm – 8pm 2nd, 3rd and 4th October AM Bookable

via reception (school will confirm times)

HLC 26th September 5pm – 8pm 27th September and 1st October

9am – 10:30am

Holy Trinity Academy 1st October 3-5:30pm
Madeley Academy 7th October 4:30pm – 7:30pm
New Road Academy 8th October 4pm – 7pm
Telford Langley 3rd October 5:30pm – 8pm  30th September to 4th October

tour between 8:30 and 9:30 each day

Telford Park School 10th October 4pm – 6pm 28th September 10am-12pm

Asda Cashpot Rewards

Dear Parents/ Carers

Newdale is taking part in the Asda Cashpot Rewards for Schools and we would love your support !

It will run from 2nd September 2024 – 30th November 2024 for all online or instore transactions.

Please see the flyer attached for more information and how you can help us, please note this will not affect your own Asda Cashpot .

Many Thanks

Cashpot for schools (asda.com)

Sporting Events

We had a very successful year last year in the sporting field and we are very keen to continue to immerse our children in a range of sporting events as part of our extra-curricular provision.

Unfortunately, budgets are much tighter this year and the cost of transport has increased significantly.  For us to continue to take children on these sporting events, we will need to start asking parents for a contribution towards the coach costs. We are trying to keep this to a minimum. Where possible, parents will be asked to collect children from school before a competition or collect from the venue as this will really help towards keeping the costs low.

All information around transport, monetary contributions and timings will be shared on Parent Pay as per usual.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Cook

Infection Control Information for School

With the return to school for the autumn term, and in anticipation of the customary outbreaks of respiratory illnesses, D&V and other childhood illnesses when the children all get back together, we felt it timely to provide you with information on the infection control measures and resources at your disposal.

We’ve been asked by the Health Protection Hub to share some information with you on health-related issues – when your child should and shouldn’t attend school.

Advice for parents

The NHS has some good information for you to looks at here: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/

It’s fine to send your child to school or nursery with a minor cough or common cold if they are otherwise well and do not have a high temperature. But if your child has a fever, they should stay home from school or nursery until they feel better, and the fever has resolved.

If they have diarrhoea and/or vomiting, they should stay home for at least 48 hours after the last episode.

It is no longer recommended that children and young people are routinely tested for COVID-19 unless directed to by a health professional. But if your child has tested positive for COVID-19, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test. Children and young people who usually go to school, college or childcare and who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.

Vaccines provide the best protection against many common but potentially serious illnesses. Over the past decade, fewer children are getting routine vaccines, putting them at risk of serious disease. This leaves schools vulnerable to outbreaks and increases pressure on the NHS.  If your child is up to date with their NHS vaccination schedule, they will already be protected against diseases like whooping cough, measles, mumps and rubella throughout their school career, as most provide lifelong immunity.  Unvaccinated children are at higher risk of contracting these illnesses and having more severe symptoms than vaccinated classmates. They can also spread diseases to others. Check your child’s red book or contact your GP surgery to ensure they are up to date on all vaccines.

Good hygiene also stops infections from spreading, which means less disrupted learning time.  You can help by teaching your child to wash hands properly for 20 seconds, use tissues for coughs and sneezes, and stay away from others when sick. Letting in fresh air can also reduce the spread of airborne viruses.

If you are unsure, please do call the office and the ladies will try their best to advise or seek advice from the team in the Health Protection Hub.


Kind regards,

Miss Cook



Heritage Open Day Festival

As part of the national Heritage Open Days Festival, Ironbridge museums are offering FREE access to all their Coalbrookdale sites for this weekend alongside a jam-packed itinerary of special events and activities for all ages. More information can be found on their website: https://www.ironbridge.org.uk/events/family-events/heritage-open-days-coalbrookdale/


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