We are looking forward to welcoming you back tomorrow morning and hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break.
A reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday), children in Reception are invited to bring in 1 toy, clearly named (please no electronics or toys with small parts that could get easily lost) for a show and tell session in the afternoon.
Here is some information for the Spring Term:
Wednesday and Thursday – PE. Please can children come dressed in their PE uniforms on these days.
Wednesday – Forest school. Please bring named forest kits in a bag to change into in the afternoon.
Due to the cold weather, we recommend hats, gloves and scarves to wrap up warm at playtime. Please can we ask that all these items are clearly named, along with cardigans, jumpers and coats so that they can be reunited with the correct owner should they become misplaced. We will remind children to look after their things and pop them on their pegs if not on their body, but if you could support this at home with a little reminder to try their best to keep their belongings with them, then this would be really helpful.
Thank you for your support.
Reception :)