Reception R.E

Next week, we are learning about what a Baptism is. Later in the term, we look at other naming ceremonies too. If your child has taken part in a Baptism, other naming ceremony or religious ceremony that you would like to share with us in class, then please do send in a photograph, along with some brief details about the event. It could be a ceremony they have attended, if not one taken part in for themselves. Ideally, photos to be sent via Evidence Me so that we can keep precious photos safe, but please do chat to us if this is not possible.

Thank you – the children will love sharing their own range of experiences with their friends.

The Reception team.

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to welcoming you back tomorrow morning and hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break.

A reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday), children in Reception are invited to bring in 1 toy, clearly named (please no electronics or toys with small parts that could get easily lost) for a show and tell session in the afternoon.

Here is some information for the Spring Term:

Wednesday and Thursday – PE. Please can children come dressed in their PE uniforms on these days.

Wednesday – Forest school. Please bring named forest kits in a bag to change into in the afternoon.

Due to the cold weather, we recommend hats, gloves and scarves to wrap up warm at playtime. Please can we ask that all these items are clearly named, along with cardigans, jumpers and coats so that they can be reunited with the correct owner should they become misplaced. We will remind children to look after their things and pop them on their pegs if not on their body, but if you could support this at home with a little reminder to try their best to keep their belongings with them, then this would be really helpful.


Thank you for your support.

Reception :)

Free School Meals

Dear Parents/Carers,

We already have many families who enjoy the benefits after applying for Free School Meals and we urge you to reconsider if you meet the criteria listed below.

By applying for Free School Meals, very often parents think it is all directly linked to school dinners- it isn’t! If you qualify for Free School Meals, it also means that you are entitled to significantly reduced prices for school trips, breakfast clubs and after school clubs. There are many other benefits that your child could directly receive to potentially support them at home and if needed, with their learning at school.

Families with children in years Reception up to Year 6 can apply for Free School Meals if they are entitled to certain benefits and have an annual income of £16,190 or below.

Please follow the below link as this will take you to the Telford & Wrekin website where you are able to access more information and download an application form which will be sent directly to the team. Or alternatively, speak to a member of staff in the school office for support in applying.

How do I apply? – Free School Meals – Telford & Wrekin Council

Reading in Reception

The children in Reception have been working so hard and they are making great progress with their phonics and reading. Lots of children are now starting to bring home books/sheets to practise reading at home.

The phonics books that the children bring home need to be kept in their reading packs so they can be accessed at school each day, and swapped for new ones each week. Usually, book change takes place on a Friday, but this varies between groups depending on where they are up to in their sessions. These books are to be read to an adult, not independently. They are used to develop fluency. If the book is not returned to school, we cannot swap it for the next one. The blending books are particularly small and easy to lose, so keep an eye out as they slide out the packs. When children move onto Red books and higher, they will bring home two books, a bookbag book and a paper copy of the book they have read in class. Both these books need storing in their packs and returning to school each day to be swapped when ready.

Sound Blending Book 2 (Read Write Inc. Phonics): Archbold,  Tim, Miskin, Ruth: 9780198424598: Books The bug (Red Ditty Book Bag Book 3) (Read Write Inc. Phonics) : Munton,  Gill, Batori, Susan, Miskin, Ruth: BooksLibrarika: Read Write Inc. Phonics: Red Ditty Book 5 Pick it Up

Thank you for your continued support,

The Reception Team


Reception Christmas Sing a long & Craft session

Parents/carers are invited to attend Reception’s Christmas Sing a long & Craft session on Thursday 19th December at 2pm.

Tickets are £2 and will go live on ParentPay this evening around 7pm.

Deadline for booking tickets is Thursday 12th December at 12noon. Any spares will be on sale on Friday 13th December. Parents can order up to x2 tickets.

Parents are asked to bring a long a mug for yourself and your child to enjoy a hot chocolate!

Children and staff look forward to welcoming you on the day!


Movie Night Fundraiser

A big thank you to everyone that supported the film nights.

School parliament treasurers have been busy calculating the profit and the money raised in total was £634.97.

This will go towards funding the Healthy Lifestyle week.

Thank you, on behalf of School Parliament.



At Newdale, we pride ourselves on our calm and orderly environment which enables our pupils to learn effectively. Our ‘BeSMART code’ is the backbone to our behaviour system and we believe that a positive approach is the key to good behaviour. We want to support our pupils in developing a sense of pride in their efforts; both with their learning and with their behaviour.  We reward positive behaviour, for example with stickers, house points and gold cards. Please ask your children about this at home so that you can further celebrate this together. Please see the attached document for more information about Newdale’s behaviour system and how you can use our systems to support behaviour at home too!


Flu vaccinations – Reception – Year 6

Please see attached letter regarding flu vaccinations that was sent out last week, this includes a link on the back page to use as well as the QR code.

Flu immunisation – letter – Dec 2024