Miss Clay’s class- Daisy for having such a positive attitude towards her learning – ALWAYS! 😊
Mrs Thomas’ class- Delta for being such a hard-working pupil and always striving to improve. Excellent attitude! 😊
Mr Banfield’s class- Lucie for making a conscious effort to use Literacy skills across the curriculum.
Miss Myler’s class- Keon for always listening and being ready to learn.
Mr Jackson’s class- Chelsea-May for working very hard on the presentation of her work, especially her handwriting. Chelsea has achieved her goal of getting a pen licence and has continued to maintain this high standard.
Miss Macfarlane’s class- Gia for always putting 100% effort into her learning at home.
Mrs McLaughlin/ Mrs Pablos’s class- Lucie for settling in so beautifully and confidently sharing her welsh book speaking the language beautifully.
Mrs Trevor’s class- Rowan for always following the smart code and always putting 100% effort in everything he does especially with a lovely smile on his face.
Miss Newport’s class- Emilia for brilliant writing and for always having a positive attitude towards her learning.
Miss Jones’ class- Tori for fantastic, descriptive literacy work 🙂
Miss Hailey’s class- Lydia and Zoe for beautiful artwork this week. They are very creative and produced lovely church paintings and Great Fire of London silhouette paintings.
Miss McCullagh’s class- for creating some fantastic art work based on the Great Fire of London.
Mrs Plimmer’s class- Megan for fantastic outdoor PE this week.
Star reader year 1,2,3- Arran (year 2)
Star reader year 4,5,6- Autumn (year 6)