World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

On Tuesday 21st May we will be celebrating the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

As part of these celebrations, we would like to invite your child to share their culture, religion or beliefs with us. This can be in the form of traditional dress, articles of faith, books or food (please ensure a clear ingredient list is given and speak to your child’s teacher if you are concerned about allergies), a presentation they have created about a religious event or any other relevant items.

If your child would like to share any such items with their class, please prepare them for sharing by ensuring they know clearly about the item as we are sure there will be plenty of questions as we all will want to know more.

Thank you, Mrs Churm.

Year 3 – Counting at home 💯

Year 3 have been working so hard to learn their number facts. This really helps them with all aspects of Maths – particularly when using tricky written methods of column calculations! We have noticed that some of our Year 3 children are getting into a bit of a pickle when mentally counting forwards and backward or when finding 1 more and 1 less of numbers within 100. It would really help with confidence and speed of counting if the children could do some extra practice at home.

  • Children might like to listen and join in with a counting song:

The Big Numbers Song (

  • Children could count objects when you are on journeys, for example, they could count how many blue cars they see on the way to swimming lessons or how many people they see on their walk home.
  • Adults at home could give the children quick fire questions such as:

What is one more than _____?

What is one less than ______?

What is ten more than _____?

What is ten less than ______?

  • Children could play some online counting games such as:

– Splat Paint the Squares – Interactive Number Charts (

– Helicopter Rescue Helicopter Rescue – Mental Maths for 4 to 8 Year Olds (

– 100 Hunt 100 Hunt || Practise number patterns, place value, +10, +20, +1, -1,-10, -20 etc (

Thank you for your continued support. If you would like any further information about how to support your child at home, please speak to a member of the Year 3 team.


Dear Parents,

We wanted to remind you how important being in school each day really is for your child.

Every lesson counts, and each lesson builds upon the previous one. We know children can become poorly, but every day missed can lead to gaps in learning and difficulty for a child to understand and therefore progress well. It can also lead to anxiety for a child who can feel they have missed out.

School is more than simply learning, it is also a place where children develop vital social skills, build friendships, become independent and learn how to deal with their emotions. Research consistently proves that children who attend school regularly perform better academically. Just a few days missed can impact overall achievement.

In addition, school is a community where its learners gain a sense of belonging. A teacher’s ability to personalise support and assess a child’s understanding can only be achieved at its best in the classroom.

It is not just missing days that can have a negative impact, but late arrival too – learning starts straight away each morning. Without a clear morning routine, perhaps a missed breakfast or being late into the middle of a lesson, children can lose confidence.

For these reasons, please remember that leave of absence in term time cannot be sanctioned for reasons such as holiday. We want to ensure that every child thrives. Only very exceptional circumstances will be considered. We do quite understand that holiday companies charge significantly more during school holidays. However, we are hoping that holidays will alter over the next few years which should make them more accessible for everyone, whilst not disrupting the education of your children.

Do contact our pastoral team or office should you have any concerns about attendance, so we can support you and resolve any issues quickly.

Please remember that every day in school is an investment in your child’s future. Working together to prioritise this can only support them to succeed.

Kind regards,


Miss Cook


Newdale Primary School and Nursery

NSPCC Workshops for Parents

Workshop taking place on the following dates:

Tuesday 16th April, 2-3pm at Newdale Primary School

Tuesday 26th March, 6-7pm via Zoom using the following details:

Meeting ID: 899 7850 5526


Parent’s Evening entrance points

Please see below entrance points for Parent’s Evening this week. Please do not exit the building via the office, please leave via the the door you entered. Thank you



School lunch information

As we approach the end of the financial year, all ParentPay lunch accounts must be in credit before ordering a school lunch. This means that parents will need to make sure they have added money onto their account before the child orders their lunch for that day.  From Monday 18th March, if your child orders a school lunch and your account does not have the funds to cover the meal, the office will contact you to either bring in a lunch from home for your child or a payment must be made straight away on ParentPay. Please note that any debt after the 22nd March, will be charged to school so please can you ensure that this isn’t the case by clearing any existing debt on your child’s account. We appreciate your co-operation on this matter.

World Book Day Swap Shop

Thank you to all of the parents who have donated to the World Book Day Swap Shop.

We are all set up and ready to go!

Please come to the Den with your tickets at 8.35 or 3.10 on the following days:

Reception/ Year 1 – Tuesday 27th February

Year 2/ Year 3 – Wednesday 28th February

Year 4/ Year 5 – Thursday 29th February

Year 6 – Friday 1st March

Please use the door pictured below to enter the Den.





Be SMART Friday

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Friday 26th, Year 3 will be celebrating earning the Be SMART cup for fantastic behaviour on their recent school trip. We invite children to bring comfies in for the afternoon session in a bag. This could be slippers/dressing gowns/oodies/hoodies.


The Year 3 Team