Y1 – 6 Saltmine Theatre – Blast Off

Last week your child watched Saltmine Theatre Company’s performance called Blast Off which explored how we can safely use the internet. Blast Off uses the analogy of space to represent the internet and follows the story of Imogen, a young girl who is old enough to journey into “space” on her own. To help protect them, pupils learned the importance of following the Space Code.

 It is important that children understand how valuable the internet is as a resource without underestimating how dangerous it can be when not used safely.

As a parent or guardian, you have such an important role to play in helping your child navigate their experience of the online world. Thank you for partnering with your school and Saltmine Theatre Company in keeping your children safe online!

For more information, please click on the link: Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

Stay & Share Session – Wednesday 5th February

On Wednesday 5th February, we will be hosting our first ‘Stay and Share’ session at 2:30pm.
This is an exciting opportunity for the children to share their learning with you so far this year. Due to space constraints, we are only able to accommodate one parent/grandparent per child.
If you have more than one child in school you will have the opportunity to visit their classroom during the session, so please book a place for each child.
Attendance must be confirmed through ParentPay so staff are aware of expected numbers on the day. Further details will be shared closer to the time.
We look forward to seeing you soon.

KS2 Family Cooking Session – Y3-Y6

We have an exciting opportunity on Tuesday 18th March at 1:45pm for six key stage two children (Y3-6) and their special adult guest to attend our family cooking session here at school.

This is being offered as part of the School Health and Wellbeing Programme which is run by Telford and Wrekin.

If you are interested in taking part, please inform us via Parent Pay by Wednesday 29th January.

We will then carry out a draw to see which six children will take part and inform parents of timings etc

Blast Off – E Safety Performance – Year 1- 6

We are excited to present “Blast Off” by Saltmine Company, an educational performance covering aspects of online safety. The event will take place on Thursday 6th February 2025 and will take place throughout the school day. To support this initiative, we kindly request a donation of £2 per pupil. This experience promises to be enlightening and valuable for our students. Contributions can be made through ParentPay.

Please see letter for further details.

Blast off – E Safety Performance

Free School Meals

Dear Parents/Carers,

We already have many families who enjoy the benefits after applying for Free School Meals and we urge you to reconsider if you meet the criteria listed below.

By applying for Free School Meals, very often parents think it is all directly linked to school dinners- it isn’t! If you qualify for Free School Meals, it also means that you are entitled to significantly reduced prices for school trips, breakfast clubs and after school clubs. There are many other benefits that your child could directly receive to potentially support them at home and if needed, with their learning at school.

Families with children in years Reception up to Year 6 can apply for Free School Meals if they are entitled to certain benefits and have an annual income of £16,190 or below.

Please follow the below link as this will take you to the Telford & Wrekin website where you are able to access more information and download an application form which will be sent directly to the team. Or alternatively, speak to a member of staff in the school office for support in applying.

How do I apply? – Free School Meals – Telford & Wrekin Council

Y3 and Y4 Christmas Concert

Tickets for the Y3 and Y4 Christmas Concert are now live on ParentPay.

There are 2 showings available, 9:00am and 2:30pm. Please ensure you book the correct showing you wish to attend as we can not guarantee these can be changed due to the demand for tickets. Tickets are £2 each.

Deadline for booking is 12 noon on Monday 9th December. Any spare tickets will go on ParentPay on Tuesday 10th December.

Children and staff look forwarding to welcoming you on the day!

Thank you

Movie Night Fundraiser

A big thank you to everyone that supported the film nights.

School parliament treasurers have been busy calculating the profit and the money raised in total was £634.97.

This will go towards funding the Healthy Lifestyle week.

Thank you, on behalf of School Parliament.



At Newdale, we pride ourselves on our calm and orderly environment which enables our pupils to learn effectively. Our ‘BeSMART code’ is the backbone to our behaviour system and we believe that a positive approach is the key to good behaviour. We want to support our pupils in developing a sense of pride in their efforts; both with their learning and with their behaviour.  We reward positive behaviour, for example with stickers, house points and gold cards. Please ask your children about this at home so that you can further celebrate this together. Please see the attached document for more information about Newdale’s behaviour system and how you can use our systems to support behaviour at home too!
