Dear Parents/Carers,
We already have many families who enjoy the benefits after applying for Free School Meals and we urge you to reconsider if you meet the criteria listed below.
By applying for Free School Meals, very often parents think it is all directly linked to school dinners- it isn’t! If you qualify for Free School Meals, it also means that you are entitled to significantly reduced prices for school trips, breakfast clubs and after school clubs. There are many other benefits that your child could directly receive to potentially support them at home and if needed, with their learning at school.
Families with children in years Reception up to Year 6 can apply for Free School Meals if they are entitled to certain benefits and have an annual income of £16,190 or below.
Please follow the below link as this will take you to the Telford & Wrekin website where you are able to access more information and download an application form which will be sent directly to the team. Or alternatively, speak to a member of staff in the school office for support in applying.
How do I apply? – Free School Meals – Telford & Wrekin Council