Reception R.E

Next week, we are learning about what a Baptism is. Later in the term, we look at other naming ceremonies too. If your child has taken part in a Baptism, other naming ceremony or religious ceremony that you would like to share with us in class, then please do send in a photograph, along with some brief details about the event. It could be a ceremony they have attended, if not one taken part in for themselves. Ideally, photos to be sent via Evidence Me so that we can keep precious photos safe, but please do chat to us if this is not possible.

Thank you – the children will love sharing their own range of experiences with their friends.

The Reception team.

Arriving Ready for School

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thankfully the snow is slowly melting and we hope for a trouble free start to the term tomorrow. Do take care near our site though, as we are unsure as to what the temperatures will do.

We thought it would be useful to share the slide below with you. We will be dedicating some assembly time to this tomorrow.

If you are struggling with getting your children into school or struggling to get uniform, please do talk to us as we might be able to help.

Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to welcoming you back tomorrow morning and hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break.

A reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday), children in Reception are invited to bring in 1 toy, clearly named (please no electronics or toys with small parts that could get easily lost) for a show and tell session in the afternoon.

Here is some information for the Spring Term:

Wednesday and Thursday – PE. Please can children come dressed in their PE uniforms on these days.

Wednesday – Forest school. Please bring named forest kits in a bag to change into in the afternoon.

Due to the cold weather, we recommend hats, gloves and scarves to wrap up warm at playtime. Please can we ask that all these items are clearly named, along with cardigans, jumpers and coats so that they can be reunited with the correct owner should they become misplaced. We will remind children to look after their things and pop them on their pegs if not on their body, but if you could support this at home with a little reminder to try their best to keep their belongings with them, then this would be really helpful.


Thank you for your support.

Reception :)

Parent View Survey – final call!

Dear Parent/Carers,


Happy New Year! I trust you all had a great holiday.

As I hope you all know, we very much take on board the views of all our children and parents. These views are regularly shared with the Newdale teams.

We consult with pupils through every Governor meeting, and phase leaders/subject leaders also carry out additional pupil voice regularly over the year.

We believe that school and home very much need to work in partnership, with children being at the centre. There simply must be a two-way feeling of trust between school and home, along with open, honest lines of communication.

I have always prioritised having a school ‘open door’ policy where we offer many different ways of communication for parents to use, including a class email address, many staff on duty am and pm (including senior managers), office staff and home school communication books to name a few of these. The hope is always that if parents do want to relay any messages, that they can easily and rapidly.

Thank you to the 47 parents that have already filled in our request to complete Parent View this academic year.

We would very much appreciate it if many more parents would complete this survey so we can gain a fuller picture of your opinions of Newdale.

We have already begun looking carefully at the small number of responses. A significant majority of our parents continue to be really happy with the Newdale offer – thankyou. I understand that we cannot please everyone, but I can reassure you that all teams certainly try so hard to do just that. I am lucky enough to visit very many other schools, and I know as fact that Newdale goes above and beyond in its offer for the children we have. This is regularly verified by external visitors including our School Improvement Advisor, Local Authority quality assurance visits, safeguarding audits and of course our Ofsted visits. We are incredibly proud of the Outstanding Ofsted result which we gained in May 2023. There are only a very small number of schools across the entire country that manage the ‘double outstanding’ judgement.  I hope this is external reassurance that our school continues to be operating at a very high level.

As stated, I am under no illusion that we cannot please everyone, however, that does not stop us from trying to.  We are all on the same side and should be focussed on working together to support children to be the best they can be.

Thank you for your support in ensuring our school continues to grow in a positive way for all of our children.

Miss Cook

Merry Christmas!

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have finally made it to the last day of a very long term. It was so lovely to see the children in the hall this morning enjoying a snowball fight as part of our fun, seasonal activities.

We promise you we will hand them back this afternoon all super excited and ready for the big day!

With the Panto and the numerous events we have had this half term, it really has flown by. Thank you for all of the support you have shown the teams at Newdale along the way. It really does make a huge difference. We take our partnership with parents very seriously.

From all of the staff at Newdale, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

We look forward to welcoming your children back on Tuesday 7th January. Staff are carrying out a training day on Monday 6th January.


Miss Cook