Year 1 Numbot Launch

Numbots Launch

Today we have had lots of fun learning how to use Numbots.  NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. NumBots adopts the best teaching practises to take children from counting on their fingers, to adding and subtracting two digit numbers. NumBots is available to play via our website or mobile app, so your child will be able to learn maths at home or on-the-go, whenever suits your family. We hope you enjoy using this website to develop your child’s confidence in Maths. Each of the children has been issued with their own username and password to enable them to log in. Teachers will be checking to see how you all get on.

For further information please find the attached guides.



You can also watch this short video which gives you an overview of Numbots.

A Parents/Carers introduction to NumBots

You can access Numbots here:

We hope you have lots of fun.

The Year 1 Team

Year 1 Phonics Assembly

First and foremost we wanted to say a massive ‘Well Done’ to all our super Year 1 phonics stars. We are so proud of every single one of the children, and we are sure you are beaming with pride too!

Thanks also to all the grown ups that were able to attend today , your support was vital to the success of the assembly. We were blown away by how many of you were able to attend.

Please find attached the relevant videos and resources to help you support your children with their reading at home.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 1 Team



Phonics at home leaflet Year 1 – Copy

Ruth Miskin Training

Ruth Miskin Training

Ruth Miskin Training


NumBots Year 1

NumBots | Welcome to the NumBlog!

We launched NumBots just before the Easter holidays and are continually monitoring its use. It’s great to hear so many children are enjoying going up through the levels and already improving their speed and recall. We’ve noticed not everybody has started using the app yet so wanted to send out a remind in case you have forgotten.

We expect children to be playing on NumBots for at least 12mins a week as part of their homework. If your child does not have access to an online device, please let us know.

Here’s a handy introduction to the app:
A Parents/Carers introduction to NumBots – YouTube

Big Difference

NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have.

Logging In

The children have been shown how to login and have brought home a username label in their [book bag/reading planner/insert here]. They might need some help navigating to the website and entering the details but once they’re in, they just need some quiet space to get on with the games.

Please ask your child’s teacher if they are struggling to login. Maths Circle (the creators of NumBots) cannot provide username and password information to parents, even during school holidays or out of hours.

Important: please don’t allow siblings, friends or family to answer for them but do support your child if they’re stuck.

Little and often

In order to get the best out of NumBots children should regularly play for short bursts so we would ask you to give them 3 minutes, four five times a week.

Game Types

  1. Story Mode – the emphasis is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, shapes and question styles.
  2. Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding & taking away in your head.

Summer term ☀️

In the summer term, our PE and Forest School days have changed:

Tuesdays – Forest School

Wednesdays – Indoor PE (Cricket)
Thursdays – Outdoor PE (Athletics)

As we head into the warmer months, please ensure your child brings in their water bottle everyday.


Your child was given a log in for Numbots and a parents’ guide on how to use this. The games are great for quick recall of number facts! We will be looking at the leaderboard each week to see who has been a Marvellous Mathematician 🌟

After the Easter holidays, we will be starting weekly spellings (these are in addition to the Jumping Orange Words at the end of every half term).

We hope you all have a lovely break over the Easter holidays 🐣

Year 1 team

Year 1 Snow Day

Good morning Year 1! We’re sorry we had to close but we hope you will be able to enjoy some time at home today and most importantly get out and enjoy the snow!


As you know we LOVE reading at Newdale, here is a video of Miss Harrison reading a story we will be looking at very soon.

What book will you choose to read today? Also, look out for Miss Phonics… Oh sorry! Mrs Thomas’s post with a RWI phonics video just for you!


We know how important it is to have real life experiences – so please get outside:
take photographs, listen to the sounds around you, or look for animal tracks.

Our up coming Science topic is all about weather and seasons. Could you write a description of your garden or street in your reading diary? Think about adding adjectives or the conjunction ‘and’. Here’s a great example:

I can see icy roads and footpaths. I can see frosty flakes fall from the sky and settle on tall branches. Bright snow covers everything I can see. It feels icy, cold and wet. I can hear the quiet drips of melting snow.  I can hear the crunchy thick snow under my feet. 

I know some of you also love handwriting practise so here are some letters we’ve been practising lately.


We’d love to hear your highest score on Hit the Button for number bonds to 10. 

We recently studied Andy Goldsworthy art. He makes temporary sculptures in nature. We think snow is perfect for this. Please send the year 1 email pictures of your snow structures (remember to ask your adult and wrap up in something warm and waterproof)! Here are some ideas… Although we love snow angels and snowmen as well if these don’t work.


We hope you have a fantastic day and look forward to seeing you on Monday,

The Year 1 team.

Year 1 Spellings – Week Beginning 26.04.21

Hi Year 1,

Here are your spellings for this week. Please don’t forget that we will now be having our spelling tests on Friday mornings, so your test for these words will be on Friday 30th April. Good luck!

Miss McCullagh’s and Miss Broadhurst’s groups:

Year 1 Spellings Summer 1 Week 2

Mrs Goodwin’s Group:

Year 1 spellings Wk 2 ur ow

Mrs Lee’s Group:

Mrs Lee Summer 1 Week 2