Outdoor Learning Themed Week W/C 8th June

Click here to find out more! Home schooling Outdoor Learning Week

Get outdoors and explore the world at your feet, near your house or right outside your back door! We cannot wait to see all your outdoor adventures and activities! Don’t forget to post them on your class blogs!

Here are some of the attachments you can also download/print to help with the activities this week.

30 Days Wild Bingo

Nature Table

Window Poster colour-in

Schools and groups pack wallchart

Random Acts of Wildness


Any queries, please email Mrs Trevor on newdale.year3team@taw.org.uk.

Year 2 Home Learning- Thursday 26th March

Here are some ideas for today’s learning!

Spellings– Using the spellings we uploaded earlier in the week. Could you play hangman? Perhaps ask a parent or sibling to join you!

We have also set two more 2dos for you to complete on Purple Mash.

The Maths activity looks at number bonds to 100 as well as a range of addition and subtraction questions. Remember that you can use your number bonds to 10 to help you work out number bonds to 100. e.g. if 2 + 8 = 10 then the extra 0 on 100 makes the number 100, ten times bigger than 10. So I know that 20+80= 100.

Literacy- The ‘In the Woods’ game looks at applying adjectives (describing words) and adverbs (often words that end in ‘ly’ and describe how the verb is done) to sentences.

Some fun suggestions…

  • Practise Origami (Could you make something out of paper to link with our Paper Art unit in school?)
  • Set out your lunch to look like a picture
  • Learn some basic sign language or maybe a short song
  • Write and perform your own song/poem
  • Practise skipping

Remember to keep uploading on to the blog. We love seeing all of the amazing things you are doing!



Year 2 Home Learning


Miss Newport and I have begun to set work on Purple Mash for you to start to complete at home. 

Further to the information lists we provided last week here are some suggested ideas for this week’s learning:

  • Read to yourself or an adult and record in your reading diary.
  • Practise your times tables. This could be by singing some of the songs, going on Super Movers or going on Times Table Rockstars/Hit The Button. 
  • Complete writing-based/topic learning tasks on Purple Mash.
  • Take part in Joe Wicks’ Daily PE lessons on YouTube.
  • Research Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole.
  • Play spellings games. (See previous link for a list of this weeks spellings)

Life skills activities:

  • cooking (whilst supervised by an adult)
  • Gardening
  • Practising telling the time (o’clock, quarter past/quarter to and half past). If you’ve mastered this then perhaps try 5 minutes intervals!

A bit of fun:

  • Dance to a Supermovers dance of your choice
  • Watch one of your parent’s favourite cartoons/TV/films shows as a child. Maybe you could write a review about it afterwards?

Please note that these are just suggestions. Please remember to look at the information sheet we provided for other ideas to support your learning. Last week we sent home a sheet with personalised targets for your child. Please see the previous maths links to help support you with this.

And finally, if you’d like to post pictures to the homework blog of you cooking,  completing an exciting task or just simply enjoying yourself, then we’d love to see!

Keep well and keep smiling,

Miss Newport and Miss Jones :) 

Year 2 Spellings

Please see attached this week’s spelling sheet. Please see attached a fun ‘roll the dice’ game which you could play with your child. If you don’t have a dice, simply choose a number and get your child to write the word in this way. Your child will be an expert at this game!

wr words1

Learning in Year 2

Currently in maths in year 2, the children are looking at multiplication and division including doubling and halving and identifying odd and evens numbers. Here are some useful interactive games that you might like to play with your children at home.


Hit the Button is a useful website for times tables and also includes a doubling and halving section too!
