Safer Internet Day

Each year at Newdale, we take part in Safer Internet Day (SID). This year it will take place on Tuesday 11th February. Your child will engage in a series of activities throughout the day with the aim of learning key ways to keep themselves and others safe online.

Please click on the link below to view the full letter.

Safer Internet Day 2020

Well done Alfie!

Well done to Alfie in Year 2 who has been given an award for brilliant football outside of school. Keep it up Alfie!

Shiver me timbers, it’s pirate day!

Geography Observational Fieldwork

Today Year 2 went on a walk of their local area in preparation for creating their own maps in Geography next week. Here are some pictures from our trip.

Achievement Awards


Miss Clay’s class- Daisy for having such a positive attitude towards her learning – ALWAYS! 😊

Mrs Thomas’ class- Delta for being such a hard-working pupil and always striving to improve. Excellent attitude! 😊

Mr Banfield’s class- Lucie for making a conscious effort to use Literacy skills across the curriculum.

Miss Myler’s class- Keon for always listening and being ready to learn.

Mr Jackson’s class- Chelsea-May for working very hard on the presentation of her work, especially her handwriting. Chelsea has achieved her goal of getting a pen licence and has continued to maintain this high standard.

Miss Macfarlane’s class- Gia for always putting 100% effort into her learning at home.

Mrs McLaughlin/ Mrs Pablos’s class- Lucie for settling in so beautifully and confidently sharing her welsh book speaking the language beautifully.

Mrs Trevor’s class- Rowan for always following the smart code and always putting 100% effort in everything he does especially with a lovely smile on his face.

Miss Newport’s class- Emilia for brilliant writing and for always having a positive attitude towards her learning.

Miss Jones’ class- Tori for fantastic, descriptive literacy work 🙂

Miss Hailey’s class- Lydia and Zoe for beautiful artwork this week. They are very creative and produced lovely church paintings and Great Fire of London silhouette paintings.

Miss McCullagh’s class- for creating some fantastic art work based on the Great Fire of London.

Mrs Plimmer’s class- Megan for fantastic outdoor PE this week.

Star reader year 1,2,3- Arran (year 2)

Star reader year 4,5,6- Autumn (year 6)

Year 2 Kwik Cricket 🏏


Well done to the Year 2 Kwik Cricket team who represented the school brilliantly in a recent tournament and won all 3 of their matches!

Learning in Year 2

Currently in maths in year 2, the children are looking at multiplication and division including doubling and halving and identifying odd and evens numbers. Here are some useful interactive games that you might like to play with your children at home.

Hit the Button is a useful website for times tables and also includes a doubling and halving section too!