Welcome to Year 3 Autumn 2024

Welcome to the new term and your new classes in Year 3!

We are so excited to start the year altogether and have lots of fun whist learning new things.

Attached is all the information you need for the new term.

If you have any queries please feel free to email us on newdale.year3team@taw.org.uk

PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor) for Autumn 1.

Welcome to Y3 Information Letter.

Year 3 – Counting at home 💯

Year 3 have been working so hard to learn their number facts. This really helps them with all aspects of Maths – particularly when using tricky written methods of column calculations! We have noticed that some of our Year 3 children are getting into a bit of a pickle when mentally counting forwards and backward or when finding 1 more and 1 less of numbers within 100. It would really help with confidence and speed of counting if the children could do some extra practice at home.

  • Children might like to listen and join in with a counting song:

The Big Numbers Song (youtube.com)

  • Children could count objects when you are on journeys, for example, they could count how many blue cars they see on the way to swimming lessons or how many people they see on their walk home.
  • Adults at home could give the children quick fire questions such as:

What is one more than _____?

What is one less than ______?

What is ten more than _____?

What is ten less than ______?

  • Children could play some online counting games such as:

– Splat Paint the Squares – Interactive Number Charts (topmarks.co.uk)

– Helicopter Rescue Helicopter Rescue – Mental Maths for 4 to 8 Year Olds (topmarks.co.uk)

– 100 Hunt 100 Hunt || Practise number patterns, place value, +10, +20, +1, -1,-10, -20 etc (ictgames.com)

Thank you for your continued support. If you would like any further information about how to support your child at home, please speak to a member of the Year 3 team.

England Rocks – TTRS Competition

Classes in Years 3 – 6 have been entered into a nationwide Times Tables Rock Star competition this week; England Rocks. The competition runs from tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 7:30am until 7:30pm on Thursday. Each pupil has 1 hour a day to score as many correct answers for our teams as possible. There are prizes and certificates for the top schools, classes and pupils! Get rocking Newdalers!

England Rocks 2023

Year 3 Homework

This week you will see some extra homework activities stuck into your child’s reading diary to support the work we are doing in school. We would love your child to complete as many of these as they wish to, it may be one or it may be all! Any work brought in will get it’s chance to be up on the ‘Wall of Fame’ in class.


Thank you, Year 3

Year 3 – Home learning tasks if isolating

Please see below for ideas for your child’s home learning should they receive a positive covid test result and feel well enough to continue learning at home. Please note that online lessons are not running as teachers will be teaching lessons in the classroom to the rest of the class. If your child is isolating at home, please use the tasks below as a guide for their home learning tasks.

-Complete their weekly spellings. Games such as Pictionary, scribble draw and roll and spell are fun ways to practice. These can be found on our year-group page.

-Access Times Table Rock Stars and Bug Club daily.

-Play Hit the Button daily – can they beat their score? https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

(All of these login details can be found in the back of your child’s reading diary)

-Complete activities on BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary

-Create a fact file about Africa. This should include a title page, interesting facts, where it is and the different animals that live there.

-Can you sketch some African animals?

Use the links below to help you;



Thank you,

The Year 3 Team.