Spellings for the final week of term

This week, we will assess the children on the Jumping Orange words which they have had plenty of time to practise.


For homework, we would like each child to keep a moon diary which will take moments each day. Everyday, at the same chosen time, we would like the children to look up at the moon and draw it onto the sheet. If the weather is cloudy, then simply draw clouds! Hopefully they will begin to notice that the moon is ever changing. Week 7 jumping orange


Should your child wish to continue their investigation of the moon, they could produce a fact file or poster showing off their own research.


Here are a few good starting points for research:




Explore the moon using Google Moon! – https://www.google.co.uk/moon/

National Fitness Day

Today with Mr Wilcox, Y5 worked on hitting the beat at the right time using Eye of the Tiger.

Year 5 spellings w/c 13th July 2020

Hello year 5,

For those of you who have returned to school, your spellings for week commencing 13th July 2020 are a final set of jumping orange words.

Week 4

Can you have a go at making your own word search or crossword? Can you try writing them out with your other hand? Maybe you could create a sports related spelling scribble to fit in with sports week in school? You choose!

If you are continuing to work from home, I will continue to email you as normal with your weekly spellings and their associated activities, so please disregard this (unless you would like to do both sets, which you are of course more than welcome to do :-)).

Many thanks

Mrs Stack