Curriculum Committee Governors Involvement

The Curriculum Governors met this week. They wanted to check that the girls at Newdale have as much opportunity in sport than the boys. Thankfully this was proved to be the case, and they look forward to talking to a cross section of girls about sport next time. They also put a lens over Geography and Science. Children spoke with enthusiasm and knowledge about both subjects. The Governors also spoke to two key workers and their attached children. It was fabulous to see such positive relationships and the impact of this project on children’s well-being.

Safeguarding, Health & Safety Governors Involvement

The Health & Safety Governors met this week and enjoyed a comprehensive update from the E safety lead in school. They also enjoyed asking questions of the SENDco and talking to one of the pupils who receives additional support. The governors randomly selected a child to check that record keeping is robust across the school and also randomly selected a staff personal file to ensure that all checks are robust for our teams. They ended by scrutinising the termly playground inspection report and were reassured that continuous monitoring is happening and that any actions are followed up.


Finance & Personnel Committee Governors Involvement

The Finance & Personal Governors met last week in school. They spent some time considering the end of year budget and projections for the following year. Staffing for next year is already being considered with the biggest pressure being on funding around SEND. Governors are pleased that SEND support is taken so seriously across the school. They are keen to see how future development in this area develops over time.

Y1 – 6 Saltmine Theatre – Blast Off

Last week your child watched Saltmine Theatre Company’s performance called Blast Off which explored how we can safely use the internet. Blast Off uses the analogy of space to represent the internet and follows the story of Imogen, a young girl who is old enough to journey into “space” on her own. To help protect them, pupils learned the importance of following the Space Code.

 It is important that children understand how valuable the internet is as a resource without underestimating how dangerous it can be when not used safely.

As a parent or guardian, you have such an important role to play in helping your child navigate their experience of the online world. Thank you for partnering with your school and Saltmine Theatre Company in keeping your children safe online!

For more information, please click on the link: Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

Reminder – NSPCC Number Day – this Friday

On Friday 7th February, Newdale will be celebrating NSPCC Number Day again. Over the past few years, our pupils have loved being involved in our maths-themed activities, listening to maths-related stories and participating in TTRS battles during the day. Pupils from Nursery to Year 6 and invited to ‘Dress up for Digits’ on this day. This means having a maths or number themed outfit – it could be a sports top that features a number or something more creative such as decorating your own t-shirt or even dressing up as a domino, dice or calculator!

As this day is organised by the NSPCC, part of the day is about celebrating and supporting all of the amazing work the NSPCC do to keep our children safe. The children will spend some of the day learning about this charity. As we won’t be collecting cash donations for this dress up day, we ask all families to consider making a donation to the NSPCC so that they are able to continue doing their amazing work!  Donations can be made at this link: Donate | NSPCC

Further information can be found here:

Newdale Number Day 2025

If you have any questions about the day, please get in touch with your child’s class teacher or teaching assistant.

Stay and Share session – tomorrow

We are really looking forward to our ‘Stay and Share’ session this Wednesday at 2:30pm. Please enter your child’s classroom from their usual drop off/pick up location (Years R, 2, 3, 5 and 6 parents should enter from the playground classroom doors, Year 1 and Mrs Everall’s classes’ can be accessed from the decking and Mr Banfield’s class from the stairs by the Visitor Car Park). Playground gates will open at 2:30pm.  For this event, the children will remain in their classrooms so if you are visiting more than one child you will be able to move between the classrooms and spend some time with them individually. We look forward to seeing you all and the children can’t wait to share their learning with you.