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Miss Hailey
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Miss Buckingham
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Mrs Hawley
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Miss Hodgetts

Welcome to Reception

Happy Half Term and farewell Miss Hodgetts.

Wow! Half a year all done of Reception already. ☺️
We are so proud of the progress everyone has made already! You deserve a fantastic rest over the half term holiday. We cannot wait to hear about your break when you come back.

We would also like to thank Miss Hodgetts for all her hard work this year and wish her all the best as she leaves today for her maternity leave. We will all miss you. Good luck Miss Hodgetts and let us know when you have some wonderful news to share 😁

See previous messages & posts

What My Child is Learning About this Half Term

New to School!

Welcome to Newdale Primary School. Here are some welcome videos from our team, so that you can see what your new lovely classrooms will look like when you start Reception in September.

Attached is our parent booklet, with some key information for parents: Parent Information Booklet

Here is our pupil booklet. This is designed to share with your child, to talk through what their experience of school will be like. We recommend you read through this several times before starting in September to support in the transition process: Welcome to School Pupil Booklet 2024


Reception Virtual Tour At Newdale Primary School:

The Newdale team have put together a virtual tour of both Reception classes, our lunchtime routine and our Reception outside area. These virtual videos are available for all to watch, particularly our new families that are interested in sending their child to our school in September.

You can click on the links below to view the videos through our YouTube channel. We hope you enjoy them :)



Class Showcase
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Happy Half Term and farewell Miss Hodgetts.
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Reception R.E
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Welcome Back!

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Happy Half Term and farewell Miss Hodgetts.
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Reception R.E
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Welcome Back!
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Reception’s Snow Day Learning

Wow, we are so lucky to have had some more snow fall overnight and we can’t wait to see what you get up to today! We know you will be wrapping up warm and making the most of the snow. Please share lots of pictures/videos on Evidence Me if you can as we would all love to see what you have been up to. These are lots of ideas for what you might want to do today.

Build a snowman: Can you count how many buttons your snowman has? How many buttons would your snowman have if you added one more? How many buttons would your snowman have if you had one less? Is your snowman smaller than you? Is your snowman taller than you?

The Three Billy Goats Gruff: We have been reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff this week and we know that the goats wanted to cross the bridge because they had no more grass to eat. Lots of other animals will find it tricky to find food today in the snow. Can you help to feed them? Maybe you could feed the birds?

Can you draw a picture of the troll? Is he big? Is he bad? Is he mad? Can you write these words next to your troll using your Fred Fingers?

Physical Development: Yesterday, we noticed that lots of you needed help with your gloves and zipping up your coats. Today is the perfect day to practise. If you get good at it, maybe you could set a timer and see how fast you can get yourself ready for the snow!

You might want to have a snowball throwing competition. You have been working hard on your underarm throwing and cup catching in PE. How far can you throw a snowball? Can you beat your last throw? Can you catch a snowball?

Can you make a snow angel?

If you are wanting to get active inside instead, these are some fun snow themed movement breaks.

The ‘ELF’ Christmas Workout #GETKIDSMOVING (10Mins)

Winter run! 🏃‍♂️❄️ Winter Chase ❄️ Winter Brain Break ❄️ Just dance ❄️ Winter Games for Kids

Snow Action Song for Kids | Winter Brain Break | Preschool Learning Song| Sing Play Create

One Less Than: This week we have been finding one less. Can you line up some of your toys at home? You might want to use teddies or cars, you can choose anything. Count how many toys you have put in the line, take one away and see how many you have left?

Letter formation: Use the videos to remind your of the rhymes and practise writing your letters. You could air write, write it on paper or even write it in the snow! You could use a stick so you don’t get chilly fingers! This is the link to the videos: ‘a’ letter formation

Phonics: Here are some Fred Games to play to practise your blending.

Story Time: After a chilly day playing in the snow, why don’t you snuggle up under a blanket a share a story with someone at home?

Here is a link to watch Stickman try and make it home in time for Christmas in the snow. Stick Man – BBC iPlayer

Have a wonderful day in the snow.


The Reception Team

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Reception Homework

In Reception, our main priority is encouraging children to love reading and to become readers themselves!

Your child will begin to learn phonics from the very start of Reception and will do this through our chosen Read, Write, Inc scheme daily. As part of this we will send home a selection of books suited to your child’s reading level so that they are able to confidently decode the words in their book phonetically. Each week, they will bring home a book that they will have been practising throughout the week in their lessons, a ‘Bookbag’ book which is a book they have not previously read, but that contains the sounds they are currently practising and they will also have the opportunity to change a ‘Share a story’ book daily. We would not expect your child to read the ‘Share a story’ book independently, but rather take the time to share with you. This could be as a bedtime story or at another relaxing point in the day, where the love of reading can be nurtured and every opportunity to develop your child’s vocabulary can be taken.

We send home ideas within your child’s personal reading diary of questions you could ask whilst reading the book to encourage your child’s understanding. For example, ‘Can you tell me what is happening here?’, ‘How is this character feeling?’ and ‘How do you know?’

In addition to this, each week you will receive a bank of Read, Write, Inc videos sent directly to your Parent Pay account. These are videos directly from the scheme that have been sent specifically for your child to watch and practise the sounds and words at home that they have been learning at school that week.

We will also send home handwriting practise sheets to support the development of correct letter formation.

From time to time, we may also set other exciting home challenges. You will find these posted directly to you on our ‘Evidence Me’ learning platform app, where you will be able to respond and upload photos if you choose or stuck in as a sheet in your home/school communication book.

If you would like any further support with this, then please do not hesitate to ask us.

Thank you for your ongoing support at home.

See previous spellings