‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders ensure that safeguarding is a high priority. They know the pupils, their families and the community very well.’
Ofsted May 2023
At Newdale Primary School & Nursery, the safeguarding of our children is the highest priority. Please use the links on the right to view our school policies and guidance for parents/carers in relation to safeguarding issue.
Family Connect Telford
Below is the safeguarding team within school.
‘Working together to keep our children safe’
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Do you know what to look for, what abuse looks like? Do you know what to do if you are worried or concerned about a child you think maybe being abused?
Sexual Abuse
A child may:-
- Behave in an sexual inappropriate way.
- Become withdrawn or clingy.
- Have emotional outbursts.
- Become secretive.
- Act out sexual acts with toys or objects.
- Have physical discomfort –anal/vaginal soreness.
- STI’s/Pregnancy.
- Avoid or fear of being alone with certain people or family members.
- Show sexual awareness beyond their experience or age.
Emotional Abuse
A child may:-
- Have physical/emotional delay in development.
- Over react to mistakes.
- Say, I’m stupid, I’m worthless etc. I deserve this…
- Freeze, become trance like.
- Self comfort, thumb suck, hair twist or rock.
- Self-harm.
- Fear parents being contacted.
- Have poor school attendance.
- Be very passive or aggressive.
Physical Abuse
A child may:-
- Be unusually fearful of adults.
- Be unnaturally compliant to parents.
- Refuse to discuss injuries/fear medical help.
- Withdraw from physical contact.
- Be aggressive towards others.
- Wear cover up clothes.
- Behave in a way that you would not expect for their age or development.
An abuser may say the child is clumsy, fabricate or induce illness in a child.
A child may:-
- Be dirty or smelly with unwashed clothes.
- Persistently have inadequate clothes or equipment, ie no coat or PE kit.
- Turn up to school hungry not having breakfast. Asking for or stealing food.
- Have untreated injuries, missed doctors or dental appointments.
- Skin sores, rashes, flea bites, scabies or ringworm.
- Be thin or have a swollen tummy.
- Be tired and/or pale.
- Have poor language, communication and social skills.
So what …? Do you know what to do if you have even the slightest concern?