At Newdale our school colours are navy blue, black and grey. We request children wear a navy jumper / sweatshirts / cardigans and grey or black skirts / pinafores or trousers. In warmer months, blue gingham dresses / black or grey smart shorts can be worn. All children need to wear sensible shoes (no heels or trainers please). In the colder weather, girls are permitted to wear black, navy or grey tights.
For P.E. children need black or navy shorts, jogging bottoms and a navy t-shirt. They also need trainers and a navy jumper / fleece for outside P.E.
Baker and Sons
School uniform is available from Baker and Sons in Wellington town centre, opening hours are;
Monday to Saturday 9.00am- 5.00pm
Website orders are also available, please follow the link below.
Uniform can also be purchased from local supermarkets, as long as the clothing items bought, are the correct school colours.
The only items of jewellery (unless for religious reasons) that are considered appropriate for school are watches, and studs or sleepers worn in pierced ears.
Lost property
Naming all items of clothing reduces the risk! Please name items of children‘s clothing. We do keep lost property for a reasonable period of time, but is often difficult to identify items that are not labelled. If your child has lost something then please check in their classroom first, then check in the lost property box.
For more information about our school uniform, please read our school uniform policy
School Uniform Policy 2023 2024