Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents, school staff and the Local Education Authority. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity. We have developed a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion in which all those working with Newdale primary School and Nursery feel proud of their identify and their ability to participate fully in school life.
‘Governance is a strength of the school. Governors bring a wealth of experience and skill. They share leaders’ high ambitions and regularly visit school to talk to staff, pupils and parents to make sure these ambitions are realised. When needed, they make good use of support from outside of school. Governors work with leaders to make sure that staff’s workload is manageable.’
Ofsted May 2023
Our Governors
Message from the Chair of Governors.
As Chair of Governors, it gives me great pleasure in welcoming you to Newdale Primary School & Nursery. We are a highly committed and active Governing Body who place equality, inclusivity, care and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. The most important measure of our effectiveness as a school, is the amount of progress (both academically, socially and emotionally) pupils make during their time at Newdale. Governors regularly visit the school to meet with staff and children. Our core functions as Governors are:-
- Setting the strategic vision and direction of the school.
- Holding the Head Teacher to account for the school’s educational performance.
- Ensuring financial resources are well spent.
- Safe guarding and health and safety
As parents and carers you are very much part of our whole school community and we value your thoughts and comments. We very much look forward to working with you over the coming months and years. If you have specific questions or comments for the Governing Body, please do not hesitate to make contact via the school office.
Anthony Smith – Co-opted Governor
Chair of Governors
I was appointed to the Newdale Governing Body on 11th March 2021 by the Governing Body and sit on the finance committee. I was elected as the Chair of Governors on 11th November 2021. My daughter is in Year Three and loves being a part of the Newdale community. I feel passionately that every child has the right to quality education and I am proud to support the school to deliver that. I have worked in education for over ten years and currently work as a Chief Financial Officer in a Multi-Academy Trust which is made up of nine primary schools.
In my spare time I enjoy travel, music and getting to as many sporting events as possible.
My term of office ends in March 2025.
Carole Williams – Co-opted Governor
I am a co-opted governor appointed by the Governing Body. My 4 year term of office ends in November 2026. Prior to becoming a governor, I was a Head Teacher at a local primary school until 2007 and then worked until 2010 for Telford and Wrekin Local Authority as the deputy manager for the Schools Multicultural Development Service.
Now retired, I can dedicate my time to Newdale and there is nothing I enjoy more than visiting the school and working with the children, staff and parents at this creative and innovative school. As it states in the school’s ‘Vision Statement’ we are creating a school of ‘doers, believers and achievers’ with high aspirations and equality for all.
I am the link governor for Literacy Development, Equality & Diversity, Early Years Foundation Stage, PE, Safeguarding and the school website/E Safety. I sit on the Finance and Personnel, Curriculum (Chair), Safeguarding Health & Safety and Strategic Committees.
Beryl Mason – Local Authority Governor
I have been a Local Authority governor at Newdale since the beginning in 2003 and was appointed by the Governing Body. Governors had a vision for our school – that everyone at the school should enjoy their education – staff, pupils and parents. We wanted Newdale to be at the heart of the community and as the school has grown we have been able to provide wider opportunities for everyone. Newdale School and Nursery are always searching for new and better ways for our children to enjoy their learning journey, develop their independence and resilience. I Chair the Finance and Personnel Committee and am proud to still be involved with such a caring and hardworking outstanding school. My term of office expires in September 2026.
Rachel Cook – Head Teacher
I have worked at Newdale Primary School since 2003 and been the headteacher since 2008. As the Head Teacher, I attend all governors meetings. I ensure all suggestions around school improvement are shared with staff and that information about school is shared openly with all governors.
I am passionate about continuing school improvement making our children, families and community the centre of all decision making.
Amanda Price – Parent Governor
I joined the governing body in March of 2021 and excited to be part of the health and safety curriculum team of which I am Chair. I have been in a sales and marketing environment for over 20 years and hoping to bring my business experience into my governors role and work alongside the committed staff of Newdale helping to ensure the values of this wonderful school are continued. I have a daughter who is starting year 1 in September, so my passion is extra enhanced to see her grow at Newdale!
I was appointed as a Parent Governor in March 2021. My term of office runs for 4 years.
Karen Rowley – Co-opted Governor
I joined the Governing Body in November 2020. I have had a 35 year teaching career in Primary schools and hope to make use of this experience as a linked Governor on the Curriculum committee. Now retired, I can bring time and commitment to Newdale and I look forward to meeting and working with the children, staff and parents.
I was appointed as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body on 12 November 2020 for a 4 year term
Sarah Powell – Co-opted Governor
I am a co-opted governor appointed by the Governing Body.
I am fortunate to have had a long and varied history with Newdale, having once taught at the school and, until recently, as a parent. The school’s ethos and values resonate with my own and as such I feel privileged to continue this relationship as a governor.
I have 16 years’ experience as a teacher, including 12 years as a school leader. I am currently the Head of a Primary School and Nursery in Staffordshire. In addition to this, I am a Mathematics Specialist Teacher, Specialist Leader of Education and an accredited trainer in school improvement.
I am proud to be governor of this truly outstanding school.
Rachel Poole – Staff Governor
I have recently been appointed as staff governor (October 2022) and am looking forward to working closely with the governing body and joining the Health and Safety Committee. I have worked at Newdale since I was a newly qualified teacher, well over a decade ago now and am proud to work here. Currently I am working four days a week. Every Monday I enjoy teaching Year 5 and for the rest of the week I carry out my role as SENCO, Vulnerable Learners Lead as well as a Designated Safeguarding Lead. My term runs until 20.09.2026.
David Shorter- Parent Governor
I am a new Parent Governor for the Newdale Primary School Governing body. I am father of three sons, two of which are at Newdale, Year 3 and Year 1. I have over 8 years’ experience in Public Services and hoping to bring my skills and experience into my governing role. I am keen to help the excellent staff of Newdale to develop and ensure the values and high standards of the school are delivered. My governing term lasts 4 years until 19.12.2026 and I am looking forward to being part of the excellent school and community.
Rebecca Jones- Co-opted Governor
I joined the governing body on Thursday 14th March 2024 and am going to be part of the safeguarding team. I feel that the role in schools is so important to a young person to be able to help school achieve its aims and to support students fulfil their potential makes me immensely proud. I have a background in safeguarding and am hoping this experience will add value into my governor role. I have a daughter who started in reception in September 2023, so I am hoping I can add a parents perspective as well as that of the local community. My term office runs for 4 years until March 2028.
Kerry Smith – Co-opted Governor
I am happy to be joining the Governing Body at Newdale Primary School. I have two daughters, one of whom works at the school and three grandchildren, one who currently attends Newdale. I worked for Telford & Wrekin for 13 years starting on Children’s services with the Early Years team with the final years supporting the Senior Management Team.
Since retiring I was looking for some voluntary work and was happy to be given the opportunity to become a volunteer reader with the children at Newdale. Since my involvement I have been extremely impressed with the school, the children are so well behaved and being in the heart of the school I can appreciate the work of the Headteacher and her team. I am particularly impressed with the intervention work I witness whilst doing my voluntary reading. I look forward to continuing my involvement as a volunteer and now contributing further as a curriculum governor.
My term of office runs for 4 years until March 2028.
Rebecca Macfarlane – Associate Governor
I was appointed to the Newdale Governing Body on 23rd November 2022 by the Governing Body as an associate governor for Life Learning (RSHE/PSHE/SMSC). I have worked at Newdale for over 10 years, starting as a class teacher, then a phase leader and currently one of the Assistant Headteachers. My subject leader experience is in whole school curriculum design and implementation, Life Learning and coaching and mentoring of members of staff, including trainee teachers. I am also a ‘Specialist Leader of Education’ with the Severn Teaching Alliance and enjoy supporting other schools in the local authority and beyond. I have worked at Newdale for some time now and I feel the main driver behind the longevity of my employment here is the sense of unity Newdale provides, for staff and children, as well as the school’s dedication to nurture and offer enriching experiences for all of our children.
As an associate governor, I do not vote in governor committee meetings. My term of office runs for 4 years.
Mr Simon Evitts – (Resigned 11/11/2021) – appointed by the Governors on 12th November 2020.
Mrs Jane Frost (Resigned 9/7/2021) – Appointed by the parents October 2017 for a term of 4 years.
Mrs Amanda Lowe (Resigned 8/3/2022) – Appointed by the governors on 12th November 2020
Mrs M Bishton (Resigned 8/4/2022) – Appointed by staff October 2018.
Mrs J Thomas (Resigned 1/1/2023)- Appointed by staff 5th September 2019
Mrs A Gregory (Resigned 09/10/2023)- Appointed by governors September 2016
Mrs J Wordsworth (Resigned 06/11/2023)- Appointed by the Governors November 2017
We have link governors for the following areas:
Literacy, Numeracy, Pupil Premium, Early Years, SEND (Special Educational Needs), Gifted and Talented and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural, Information Communication Technology, Health & Safety, LAC (Looked After Children), Child Protection/Safeguarding, Art, DT, PE, RE, Phonics, History, Geography, Music, Computing, MFL and Continuous Professional Development.
Subject-Link Governors
Art- Mrs A Price
Attendance- Mrs B Mason
Curriculum design- Mr A Smith/ Miss R Cook
Finance- Mr A Smith
RE- Mrs K Smith
PE- Mrs C Williams
History- Mrs K Smith
Maths – Mrs K Rowley
Literacy – Mrs C Williams
Science – Mrs K Rowley
Music/Choir – Mrs A Price
Computing – Mrs A Price
E-safety- Mr D Shorter
D&T- Mrs A Price
MFL – Mrs A Rowley
Safeguarding – Mrs C Williams/ Miss R Jones
Geography – Mrs K Smith
Life Learning (PSHE)/ SMSC – Miss R Macfarlane
EYFS- Mrs C Williams
Phonics – Mrs C Williams
SEND – Mrs C Williams
Vulnerable Learners/ Pupil Premium- Mrs C Williams/ Miss R Jones
Filtering and Monitoring- Mr A Smith
Equality and Diversity- Mrs C Williams
More Information
Committee Membership 2024-2025
Finance & Personnel, Salary & Grading’s
Headteacher, Mrs B Mason (Chair), Mrs C Williams, Mrs K Rowley, Mr A Smith
Clerk– Mrs R Western
Safeguarding & Health & Safety
Headteacher, Mrs A Price (Chair), Mrs C Williams, Mrs S Powell, Mr D Shorter, Miss R Jones
Clerk– Mrs R Western
Headteacher, Mrs C Williams – (Chair), Mrs Rowley, Mrs K Smith, Mrs R Poole
Clerk– Mrs R Western
Complaints and Appeals
Any 3 eligible governors linked to availability
PDC & Staff Dismissal
Any 3 eligible governors linked to availability
Mrs C Williams