As with all other children in the school, the progress of children with SEND is assessed every term. The school holds termly pupil progress meetings which are attended by teachers, phase leaders, the deputy head and head. At these meetings any children who are considered to be off track in terms of meeting their targets are discussed. Following these meetings, the SENDCo meets with class teachers to put together intervention groups for the following half term. If children are making good progress it may be felt that individuals need only a small amount of support for a period of time, whereas for other children the level of support may need to be more intensive and consistent. The SENDCo will also contact teachers to discuss any possible referrals to different agencies which may be required or any additional resources which may need ordering.
The Governing Body
The Governing Body is kept up to date and knowledgeable about the deployment of funding, equipment and personal resources through reports and presentations from the head teacher, SENCo and Link Governor at Committee and Full Governor Body meeting.
The Link Governor for SEND meets on a termly basis with the SENDCo to ensure appropriate provision is made for pupils with SEND.
The Governing Body are invited to observe the intervention programmes in place for children with SEND.
The SENDCo regularly presents data about the progression and attainment of all SEND children to the Governing Body.
The Governing Body reviews and monitors the school SEND policy.