Led by Mrs Evans

It is our aim that all children at Newdale will develop a curiosity and fascination about the diverse, ever-changing world we live in, and people we will live, that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Pupils at Newdale will:
- Develop an understanding of direction, orientation, scale and position – allowing them to have a secure understanding of location and build a sense of identity.
- Have well-rounded place knowledge about globally significant places – relating a place’s location to its characteristics and being able making meaning comparisons.
- Describe a wide-range of environmental, physical and human processes – thus, pupils develop their understanding interconnectedness and their responsibility in caring for the environment.
- Become fluent in gathering, analysing, presenting and interpreting geographical data or information – thus recognising patterns or deepening place knowledge.
Our Geography curriculum is sequential and progressive, allowing children to make links with their learning and build upon their schema. See below for an example of one of our progression routes for the strand ‘place’.
Y1 |
Y2 |
Y3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Y6 |
Land of Make believe
Autumn festivals
Blue planet |
Once upon a time
Celebrations |
How is our local area changing and why?
What makes the United Kingdom united?
Why is the weather important? |
Why are some parts of the world hot and some parts of the world cold?
Would it be different living in Alice Springs than living in Telford?
How is our world organised? |
How much of an impact do volcanoes and earthquakes have on our world?
What makes the UK special?
Who are our European neighbours? |
Why is the climate different in different locations on Earth?
How sustainable is the UK?
What is France famous for? |
How do rivers shape settlements and the physical landscape of the UK?
Are mountains all the same?
Why is North America so extreme? |
What can I do to protect the world’s biomes?
What do we know and understand about South America?
Will the UK ever disappear into the sea? |

Geography Overview