At Newdale, we value the importance of building and maintaining good communication and relationships with parents and families in our school. We understand the importance of this to ensure that all children maintain the ability to thrive and learn. We also understand that challenges and difficulties can arise, and there may be times where further support is needed for our families.
We encourage our families to communicate any issues, worries or changes in family circumstance with us, so we can help support them quickly and appropriately. Early Help means providing support as soon as an issue emerges, at any point in a child’s life. Through Newdale’s early help offer, there are a variety of ways we can do this.
We have members of the senior management team and inclusion team available on the school gates and playground in the mornings and afternoons, should you wish to approach us about anything. If you would like a more in-depth discussion, you can make an appointment to talk to someone from our inclusion team by calling in to the school office and asking to speak to Mrs Poole or Mrs Byrne Corbett, or alternatively you can contact the inclusion email at

Below is a snapshot of areas we can provide support with. If you click on the links below for a certain category, you will be able to further explore the services that can support you.
Domestic abuse
Drugs and Alcohol
Housing info
Keeping Safe
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Physical Health
Risk of Exploitation
Young Carers
Family Connect (
Identifying needs and the early help assessment
Our early help approach puts the voice of the child and family at the forefront. Staff at Newdale are all aware of the importance of listening to our children and families and provide a safe place for them to talk. We value the child’s lived experience. We listen to our parents and carers in a non-judgemental environment and provide signposting to outside agencies if we feel, with agreement from the family, that further support may be needed. This starts with a conversation first, which may lead to an Early Help Assessment. This helps us to identify what is working well within a family and any areas where further support is required. There is a copy of the Family Circle below, which is used to focus discussions and identify areas of need.

This assessment is voluntary and will be carried out collaboratively with the parents/carers, using the child’s voice, and a member of our inclusion team. This will then be submitted and reviewed by Strengthening Families and may result in allocation of a practitioner to help support your family’s needs. Through this support school, strengthening families and any other organisations that are involved with the family, will have 6-8 weekly support plan meetings. At the meetings, agreed actions will be made and reviewed to maintain support for the family where it is needed. If however, Strengthening Families decide not to allocate a practitioner, they will offer further signposting to outside agencies that may be able to help. School will help support you with these further referrals.
For further information, please contact school. Below you can find information about our school’s Early Help key contacts.