Newdale Safeguarding – building a school community where everyone feels they belong and that they feel safe.
‘Pupils feel safe in school. They say that there is always a trusted adult to speak to. They
said that they are heard and that their opinions count.’
Ofsted May 2023
Safeguarding is high priority at Newdale Primary School & Nursery, our culture is characterised by demonstrating understanding, vigilance, respect, engagement, support, and advocacy with a high challenge low threat approach. We adopt the mindset that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and it could happen here. The school’s astute awareness of the safeguarding risks pertinent within our local community enables us to ensure children and families get the right help, at the right time in line with Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Partnership priorities which includes early help, domestic abuse, neglect, exploitation, and child-on-child abuse.
Buddy Bear makes regular visits to the school. He likes to check that all the children are feeling safe and happy in school. Some of the ways we ensure this happens are below:

- The best way to find out how the children feel is to ask them! We carry out regular pupil voice sessions using a wide cross section of pupils, and ensuring they are different every time. We might ask about what they like or would like to improve about their learning or what ideas they have to further improve the school.
- Our Safeguarding Champions are visible to all pupils through their bright red jumpers – their role is to be ambassadors for the pupils: children of their own age who they can go to with worries, problems or solutions!
- A few years ago, we updated our BeSMART code to include Behaviour – as we are so proud of all children’s excellent behaviour in school, we wanted to celebrate the Be of Behaviour! Alongside the positivity of all teaching staff, our pastoral team do an excellent job in supporting with this and ensuring everyone feels listened to.
- Our weekly Achievement Assembly gives every pupil the opportunity to strive to be the best they can be, as well as the time to come together as a whole school team, recognising the contributions made by everyone in school.
- Daily assemblies include two based solely on the BeSMART code and Safeguarding… these are valuable opportunities to discuss kind friendships, road safety, e-safety to name a few. Our safeguarding champions and school parliament are often involved in these assemblies too.
- We also celebrate British Values each Thursday (and regularly in class), looking at current affairs and how it impacts all our lives. We want to help you to grow your children into citizens for the future. Alongside this, our extra-curricular opportunities such as residential trips, cinema and theatre experiences, regular visitors to the school, walks around the local area, family events and so much more ensure we support your child’s wider development.
We hope you can let us know if you have any further ideas to develop our school even more.
Please find below documents that we think are useful regarding Safeguarding and internet safety for children. We post regular updates on our website as well as Facebook page to ensure parents and carers are regularly informed about keeping children safe.
All policies relating to safeguarding can be found on our policies page. If you require a hard copy of these documents, please visit the school office.
Keeping children and their families in our community safe 2024-25
Advice for Parents and Carers on Cyberbullying
E-Safety Document
Protocol for Photographs and Videos
Snapchat Parents Guide
Taking Photos – Guidance
Child Sexual Exploitation Guide for Parents and Carers
Key Contacts and Numbers