Our expert admin team oversee the smooth running of Newdale Primary School and Nursery, and are your first point of contact for queries.
Admin Staff
Mrs R Western – School Business Manager
Mrs J Millington – Office Manager
Mrs J Steele – Nursery Administrator
Mrs E Wooldridge – Receptionist
Mrs S Monteiro – Receptionist
SENCO/ Inclusion support:
Mrs R Poole
Pastoral Mentor
Mrs K Byrne-Corbett- DSL/ Early Help Lead
Miss H Cooper
Site Manager:
Mr A Thomas
Specialist Teachers
Modern Foreign Language Specialist – Mrs J Lefroy
PE Specialists:
Crossbar Coaching: Mr T Bryant, Mr C Ward
Airborne Gymnastics: Mr J Tucker
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Other Adults around School
Newdale has a wide range of people working with and alongside the children. They offer help in class, with administrative support and a wide range of other tasks too many to mention.
Staff Area