Our investigation into waterproof materials 💦

Our class bear Bert doesn’t like getting wet in the rain very much so we decided to make an umbrella for him. Today, we carried out a science experiment to test which materials are waterproof and which are not!

Can you remember which material you decided would make the best umbrella?

Our first music lesson of 2020 🎵

We really enjoyed our first lesson of the term with Mr Wilcox. This term we are focussing on music from Asia. Today we created different patterns on the chime bars. We are going to be learning a song called ‘Gung Hay Fat Choy’, which means Happy New Year in Chinese. 🇨🇳

The Great Fire of London!

We have had a wonderful morning launching our new topic; ‘The Great Fire of London’. We learned about the event and acted it out in small groups. We have started some fire artwork… take a look at our painting so far. We will show you our masterpieces next week!

Can you remember why the fire spread so quickly?

Welcome Back Year 1!

We hope that you all had a lovely, restful Christmas break. We have had such a lovely start to the Spring term today! The children settled really well back into school life and it was wonderful to see them so eager to begin learning again.

Important Days for the Spring Term:

Tuesday – Forest School

Wednesday and Friday – PE  (however, if possible, PE kits should be in school all week in case of timetable changes).

Thank you,

Year 1 team :)


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