Year 1 Numbot Launch

Numbots Launch

Today we have had lots of fun learning how to use Numbots.  NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. NumBots adopts the best teaching practises to take children from counting on their fingers, to adding and subtracting two digit numbers. NumBots is available to play via our website or mobile app, so your child will be able to learn maths at home or on-the-go, whenever suits your family. We hope you enjoy using this website to develop your child’s confidence in Maths. Each of the children has been issued with their own username and password to enable them to log in. Teachers will be checking to see how you all get on.

For further information please find the attached guides.



You can also watch this short video which gives you an overview of Numbots.

A Parents/Carers introduction to NumBots

You can access Numbots here:

We hope you have lots of fun.

The Year 1 Team

Extra PE Session Year 1

On Tuesday 14th January, we have been allocated an extra PE session in addition to their normal Monday and Friday PE sessions. This is just for this week only.  Please can children come into school wearing their PE Kit on this day. Many thanks The Year 1 Team

Merry Christmas and Well Done

Wow what a term Year 1. We are so proud of you all for your hard work this term. We also hope you have a fantastic Christmas with your families and would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. Mrs E, Mrs S and Mrs W




Jumping Orange Words

Just a gentle reminder we will be testing the children on their jumping orange words on Monday 16th December .

Please can you continue to practise these words with your children this week :

do, to, you, be, he, me, she, we

Thanks for your continued support.

The Year 1 Team

Year 1 Phonics Assembly

First and foremost we wanted to say a massive ‘Well Done’ to all our super Year 1 phonics stars. We are so proud of every single one of the children, and we are sure you are beaming with pride too!

Thanks also to all the grown ups that were able to attend today , your support was vital to the success of the assembly. We were blown away by how many of you were able to attend.

Please find attached the relevant videos and resources to help you support your children with their reading at home.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 1 Team



Phonics at home leaflet Year 1 – Copy

Ruth Miskin Training

Ruth Miskin Training

Ruth Miskin Training


Phonics Assembly reminder

Just a quick reminder that on Wednesday 13th November at 2.15pm , Year 1 will be holding their phonics assembly. We hope you can make it. The Year 1 Team

Year 1 Nature Walk

On Wednesday 23rd October at 1.30 pm Year 1 will be taking part in a nature walk of the local area as part of our Geography unit ‘Our Local Area’. If there are any parents that are able to help with this trip then please let us know. We hope we are able to make it this time and the weather is kind to us.

Many thanks The Year 1 Team

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