What a wonderful sight to wake up to this morning!
Snow in March, can you believe it?
Miss Hill and I would like you to do the following today.
Reading – Mrs Thomas has sent out your reading videos. Write a comment in your reading diary when you have read- remember to practise your beautiful handwriting.
Maths – 2D and 3D shapes hunt and draw! Can you search around the house/outside for 2D and 3D shapes and complete the table.
Shape hunt Snow day
Shape hunt Snow day
Literacy – watch this beautiful video and makes notes about the setting and the character-Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhYM1YSDGAs
Describe – Draw The Dream Giver and label it using expanded noun phrases- adjective, adjective noun
The Dream Giver
The Dream Giver
DT – COMPETTION – Who can make the tallest, most creative freestanding structure of snow? Remember it must be strong, secure and rigid. Can you make it taller than you? Can you draw 2D shapes on it? Be creative!
Shape hunt Snow day
MOST IMPORTANTLY – have a lovely time in the snow, make memories, laugh lots and have fun!
Please don’t worry about printing the documents if you are unable to. You can just do the activities on paper, they are there as examples to show you the task.
Please send in any photos or work to us at newdale.year2team@taw.org.uk  or save it all and bring back to school on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend.
See you next week :)