Year 2 Snow day !

What a lovely white morning it is!

We’d like you to have a lovely snowy day!

Here are some of the things we’d like you to do while you are enjoying the snow.

  • Read and record in their diary
  • TTRS links to current maths – practise your times tables


  • You could go on your own nature walk and take some pictures of nature in the snow or take some pictures of your house or garden- think about the skills you have learnt in computing… hold the camera still, does is have good lighting, make sure the subject is in the frame and check it is clear. Email your pictures to us on the class email


  • For writing we have decided we want you to record a diary of your snow day so we can use it in our literacy writing and Chance to Shine, it needs to include:
  • the food you had for breakfast, dinner and tea
  • the activities you completed – did you stay in your pjs? go for a walk? build a snowman? throw snowballs? snuggle up in the warm watching films? let us know what you did
  • how were you feeling when you found out it was a snow day, how did you feel in the snow


  • You could draw a picture of your of snowy house or garden.
  • Snow-related activities e.g. build a snow sculpture, can you make a few and order them from tallest to shortest?

Any work you complete please bring to school or email us on

Have a lovely day,

Miss Lowe and Miss Hill

Year 2 Snow Day

What a wonderful sight to wake up to this morning!

Snow in March, can you believe it?

Miss Hill and I would like you to do the following today.

Reading – Mrs Thomas has sent out your reading videos. Write a comment in your reading diary when you have read- remember to practise your beautiful handwriting.

Maths – 2D and 3D shapes hunt and draw! Can you search around the house/outside for 2D and 3D shapes and complete the table.

Shape hunt Snow day

Shape hunt Snow day

Literacy – watch this beautiful video and makes notes about the setting and the character-

Describe – Draw The Dream Giver and label it using expanded noun phrases- adjective, adjective noun

The Dream Giver

The Dream Giver


DT – COMPETTION – Who can make the tallest, most creative freestanding structure of snow? Remember it must be strong, secure and rigid. Can you make it taller than you? Can you draw 2D shapes on it? Be creative!

Shape hunt Snow day

MOST IMPORTANTLY – have a lovely time in the snow, make memories, laugh lots and have fun!

Please don’t worry about printing the documents if you are unable to. You can just do the activities on paper, they are there as examples to show you the task.

Please send in any photos or work to us at   or save it all and bring back to school on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend.

See you next week :)


Year 2 Snow afternoon at home!

Hi all, what a beautiful sight it is with all the snow!

This afternoon please can the children read, practise their spellings, do some timetables.

If you want to perhaps they could write a short descriptive paragraph about how the snow has fallen, covered the ground and sent us all home. We’d love to see these when we get back 

Example –


It was a bitterly white morning. Crisp, pearly white snow covered the ground like a baby’s blanket. The fuzzy, vast sky stretched out for miles. Everyone arrived at school wrapped up warm but the soft snow was cascading to the ground. During the morning the soft fell rapidly to the ground so the children could not go out to play. The playground was like a sheet of white paper. All the children sighed with sadness because they had to stay inside. All of a sudden a huge announcement was made. School was closing early. The children cheered in excitement.


Have a good afternoon in the snow, have lots of fun and please send us in photos if you manage to get out this afternoon.

Year 2 Team