Year 2 TT Rockstars Day

To celebrate the end of our SATs next week, we have decided to give children a ‘rock’tastic day!

We are inviting Year 2 children to come into school dressed as a rockstar on Friday 24th May. We will be making music, competing in electrifying TTRS games, performing powerful poetry and much more.

An easy dress up idea is bright clothing and crazy hair.

Families – Times Tables Rock Stars

We cannot wait to see our rockstars!

Year 2 team



Toy donation plea

Dear parents and carers,

We would like to add to our resources for lunchtime play and are looking for help if you have any good quality items you could donate to school:

  • Lego – including bases
  • Duplo – including bases
  • Small world figures – such as dinosaurs, animals, people etc.
  • Happyland characters

Please bring any donations to the school office.

We thank you in advance on behalf of the children who will greatly enjoy these items.



Curriculum governors involvement update

The Curriculum Committee of Governors met on Tuesday 23rd April. They had an in depth look at our PE offer (with Mr Bryant) and our Maths offer (with Miss McCullagh). They met with some very keen mathematicians from across the school, who loved showing off their maths books and telling Governors all about their lessons.

Governors went on to look at our Equality targets and where we are in achieving them by the end of the year. Governors were reassured to see that attendance was looking more positive.

Governors really value the committee meetings as they always include gathering the views of children and seeing firsthand the work they do. They also value having valuable time with subject leaders so they can gain a very clear understanding about curriculum intent and impact.

Year 2 DT

DT plea- please can the children bring a small selection of recyclable materials into school on Monday 29th April so they can create a prototype free standing structure as part of their DT unit this half term.

The children will also need to bring a small toy. It may be a very small teddy/action figure/lego figure that they can use to construct a structure to hold the weight of their toy.

Thank you

Year 2 team.

KS1 Football (After School Club)

Good morning,

Please could we request that all children who attend KS1 football club only bring the following kit: Football kit, shinpads and trainers.

It has been noted that KS1 children are spending a lot of time getting changed into additional kit at the end of the school day, meaning that the children are missing key club time. Elbow pads and shin liners are not necessary for this club.

Many thanks,

Miss Jones and Mr Bryant

Toy donation plea

Dear parents and carers,

We would like to add to our resources for lunchtime play and are looking for help if you have any good quality items you could donate to school:

  • Lego – including bases
  • Duplo – including bases
  • Small world figures – such as dinosaurs, animals, people etc.
  • Happyland characters

Please bring any donations to the school office.

We thank you in advance on behalf of the children who will greatly enjoy these items.





Dear Parents,

We wanted to remind you how important being in school each day really is for your child.

Every lesson counts, and each lesson builds upon the previous one. We know children can become poorly, but every day missed can lead to gaps in learning and difficulty for a child to understand and therefore progress well. It can also lead to anxiety for a child who can feel they have missed out.

School is more than simply learning, it is also a place where children develop vital social skills, build friendships, become independent and learn how to deal with their emotions. Research consistently proves that children who attend school regularly perform better academically. Just a few days missed can impact overall achievement.

In addition, school is a community where its learners gain a sense of belonging. A teacher’s ability to personalise support and assess a child’s understanding can only be achieved at its best in the classroom.

It is not just missing days that can have a negative impact, but late arrival too – learning starts straight away each morning. Without a clear morning routine, perhaps a missed breakfast or being late into the middle of a lesson, children can lose confidence.

For these reasons, please remember that leave of absence in term time cannot be sanctioned for reasons such as holiday. We want to ensure that every child thrives. Only very exceptional circumstances will be considered. We do quite understand that holiday companies charge significantly more during school holidays. However, we are hoping that holidays will alter over the next few years which should make them more accessible for everyone, whilst not disrupting the education of your children.

Do contact our pastoral team or office should you have any concerns about attendance, so we can support you and resolve any issues quickly.

Please remember that every day in school is an investment in your child’s future. Working together to prioritise this can only support them to succeed.

Kind regards,


Miss Cook


Newdale Primary School and Nursery

Sports Days

Please see below this year’s sports days.

17th June – Y5 & Y6 Sports Day – 1:15pm

18th June – Reception Sports Day – 9am

18th June – Y3 & Y4 Sports Day – 1:15pm

19th June – Y1 & Y2 Sports Day – 1:15pm

20th June – Nursery Sports Day – timings given to parents nearer the date

21st June – Reserve sports day for rainy days