Update 3.2.21

Dear Parents/Carers,


Firstly I would like to thank you all for supporting us so well with the online learning offer we have running at the moment. This learning is accessed by all children in school and with your help, all children at home.


It is so important that your children engage with every lesson. Teachers continue to spend a lot of time planning sessions that we hope will result in the children making the progress they deserve over this prolonged time out of school. Please rest assured that the lessons that are being delivered to children at home are the same as the ones which are being delivered in school. Thank you for supporting us in keeping your children home if you are able to.


We are already planning the priority learning and effective ways forward when they eventually do return, but in the meantime all we ask is that you make sure your children tune into all lessons every day. This includes the children who may be in school for part of the week – when they are not in school, they are expected to log into the lessons from home.


Many of us are parents and certainly share your pain when it comes to managing the household and in many cases work commitments on top of this. Of course we will do all we can to help with any digital issues and any other issues that you may have that may affect your children’s learning.


Email us on newdale.primary@taw.org.uk or call us on 01952 387720


We have been made aware that some children are staying attached to devices late on into the night playing games or on social media. Clearly the amount of time they are online learning at school isn’t ideal, but to add to this with hours more screen time could have a detrimental affect on e.g. sleep patterns and moods.


Again, I have two teenage children myself and know it is hard to peel them off devices, but also see the need to set boundaries and limit this time. Simply insisting they go on a walk could be a nice way to get them outside in the fresh air.


Numbers of cases in our area are thankfully coming down slowly. We cannot afford to relax however. We had another case in our Nursery this week despite the very best routines and risk management. Cases thankfully do not get the chance to spread, as we have systems in place to prevent this from happening.


Please remember you can get a precautionary test at any time even if you don’t have symptoms. https://rapidtest.telford.gov.uk/ All staff at Newdale test a minimum of twice a week to support our drive in keeping the virus out of our school community.


Thank you for your ongoing support and fingers crossed we continue to see more positive news across our borough in the coming days and weeks.


MIss Cook


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