Food waste

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are suffering ongoing issues with a few children who sneakily drop food under the tables at lunchtime.

Very often this food has hardly been touched e.g. whole apples and sandwiches.

Some children are throwing food under the table that has been supplied by home and other times it is food supplied by school.

It is really important to have conversations and better still get children involved in making their own packed lunches so that they have some control over what it is they will eat. Our teams try so hard to ensure that children are eating a good lunch so they have enough energy for their afternoon sessions.

I have asked our catering managers to come into school to see if they can do anything differently in order to prevent school food from being dropped on the floor.

We understand that some children are just so desperate to get outside to play that they rush their lunch. However, during assembly we will again be discussing the need to slow down and eat a good lunch.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Miss Cook


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