ASC Homework offer

Dear Parents/Carers of children who attend After School Club,

We are delighted to be able to offer wrap-a-round care at our school, so that working parents can have the flexibility they need.

We want to let you know that during every slot for After School Club, there will be opportunity for the children to complete homework including spellings, reading and topic linked activities.

It maybe that you would rather that homework was completed at home with you and of course that is fine. We will not be forcing children to do their homework but will be asking them each day if they would like to have time to get it done.

Clearly the team will not be able to carry out larger pieces of homework with them e.g. making a castle, but they will be able to support with daily homework.

Please talk to your children about this option, as it will be up to them and we will not force them.

Kind regards,

Miss Cook


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