Star of the Month!

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded ‘Star of the Month’ in Treetops Breakfast and Afterschool Club for January.

Breakfast Club ‘Star of the Month’…


Afterschool Club ‘Stars of the Month’…





Games Night in Treetops Afterschool Club

The children had lots of fun playing games in Afterschool Club.

Bingo night was a firm favourite!

Pudsey Crafts in After School Club

The children in After School Club have had lots of fun tonight with their Pudsey Bear crafts in preparation for ‘Children in Need’ tomorrow.

Bingo Night!

Lots of concentration on these children’s faces at Friday night’s ‘Treetops Bingo Night’.

The children all had a great time!

Cloud Crafts

The children have had lots of fun in Treetops Afterschool Club making their own ‘Cloud Craft’.

The children carefully cut out their cloud and decorated it with cotton wool. They then created their own paper chains to represent the rain (We all know we’ve seen a lot of that recently!).

The children enjoyed spending their time creating.