
Monday 14th December, 2020

Sport after school clubs after Christmas

The sports clubs running after Christmas are as follows;

Monday- Year 1&2 Football and Year 3&4 Strictly come dancing

Tuesday- Year 3 to 6 Football and Gymnastics

Wednesday- Streetdance and Year 3 to 6 Basketball

Thursday- Year 3 to 6 Girls Football

Friday- Year 3 to 6 Dodgeball

All clubs are now live on Parentpay, please log in to view more details and sign up.

Monday 14th December, 2020

Key found

This key was found on Friday 11th December outside the school gates on Marlborough Way. Please call the school office, if you believe it to be yours on 01952 387720.

Friday 11th December, 2020

KS1 Star of the Week

Miss Jones’ class- Emilia for fantastic using of blending skills in art to create shade and texture in her work.

Miss McCullagh’s class- Toby for always being an excellent friend and for having such a determined attitude towards his school work! 😊

Miss Newport’s class- Alejandro for excellent work in a maths recently (time and money work) Keep up the hard work!

Miss Broadhurst’s class- Sophie for always doing superb reading and comprehension at home.

Thursday 10th December, 2020

School lunches – menu change

On Monday 14th December we will be changing the menu to meatballs and spaghetti.

Kind regards

Wednesday 9th December, 2020

Up to date contact details

If you have changed your contact details recently, please can you let the school office know on 01952 387720. It is very important that school have your up to date details especially mobile numbers in case we have to contact you over the Christmas holidays (please see ‘important information for the Christmas holiday’ post).

Wednesday 9th December, 2020

Important update for the Christmas holidays

9th December 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

You may have seen on the news or social media that the Government have given Headteachers the right to close school a day earlier than scheduled. The reason they have done this is outlined here…

‘Education providers are asked to remain contactable so they can assist with contact tracing where necessary. This will allow enough time for positive coronavirus (COVID-19) cases to be identified and confirmed by a test and for relevant contacts in the education setting to be traced. We are clear that beyond 6 days after the final day of teaching, school and further education staff are not asked to play a role in any contact tracing. It is also likely that the need to support the tracing process will reduce dramatically over the course of the 6 days as the majority of cases should be identified earlier in the week.’

We have made the decision that we will NOT be closing a day early. We already had our systems in place before this announcement and we really do want to prioritise the time children spend in school catching up on missed learning. We also factored in the disruption this would cause to working parents at such short notice. As ever, we are continuing to do all we possibly can to minimise risk in school and we continue to need your help with this at home. Most importantly, by not sending in your child if they are unwell. Please air on the side of caution.

Please note these important messages concerning the holiday period –

  1. If your child tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in school (Monday 21st December onwards), the school should not be contacted. Parents and carers should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
  2. For the first 6 days after teaching ends, if a pupil tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms within 48 hours of being in school (Saturday 19th December and Sunday 20th December), the school is asked to assist in identifying close contacts and advising self-isolation, as the individual may have been infectious whilst in school.

If you have a situation linked to point 2, here is what you must do immediately please –

Call the main school contact number of 01952 387720 and email  newdale.primary@taw.org.uk and leave a message with the following details, name of child, class teacher and best contact number. 

This number will be manned throughout the Christmas period (up to the 24th December).

We would then contact you for more details and then contact school staff to discover ‘direct contacts’. Following this all ‘direct contacts’ would be notified to self-isolate immediately.

Clearly, we are so hopeful this does not happen, as we want all of our families to have a fantastic Christmas without the restrictions of self-isolating.

Again, we thank you for your support in this important matter.

Miss Cook
