Parent View

Dear Parents/Carers,

As a school we are very proud to deliver the highest quality of education for your child, along with offering them all of the additional experiences that we feel make our school so unique. We never become complacent and are always striving to further improve what we do.

One of the many ways that you can support us is through completing the annual Ofsted questionnaire – ‘Parent View’. This would only take you five-minutes and would be invaluable to us in knowing what we continue to do well and what, if anything needs a tweak!

If you are unsure about any of the questions, rather than clicking the ‘don’t know option’, please visit our school website to find out more information or ask a member of the team before completing the survey. Please also find attached a reminder of our feedback from our Parent Survey from the summer term.

Please let us know if you would prefer to complete this survey in school or if not, follow the link below.

 Parent Survey Feedback For Parents Summer 2024.pdf

Many thanks for your continued support,

Free School Meals

Dear Parents/Carers,

We already have many families who enjoy the benefits after applying for Free School Meals and we urge you to reconsider if you meet the criteria listed below.

By applying for Free School Meals, very often parents think it is all directly linked to school dinners- it isn’t! If you qualify for Free School Meals, it also means that you are entitled to significantly reduced prices for school trips, breakfast clubs and after school clubs. There are many other benefits that your child could directly receive to potentially support them at home and if needed, with their learning at school.

Families with children in years Reception up to Year 6 can apply for Free School Meals if they are entitled to certain benefits and have an annual income of £16,190 or below.

Please follow the below link as this will take you to the Telford & Wrekin website where you are able to access more information and download an application form which will be sent directly to the team. Or alternatively, speak to a member of staff in the school office for support in applying.

How do I apply? – Free School Meals – Telford & Wrekin Council

Parent View

Dear Parents/Carers,

As a school we are very proud to deliver the highest quality of education for your child, along with offering them all of the additional experiences that we feel make our school so unique. We never become complacent and are always striving to further improve what we do.

One of the many ways that you can support us is through completing the annual Ofsted questionnaire – ‘Parent View’. This would only take you five-minutes and would be invaluable to us in knowing what we continue to do well and what, if anything needs a tweak!

If you are unsure about any of the questions, rather than clicking the ‘don’t know option’, please visit our school website to find out more information or ask a member of the team before completing the survey. Please also find attached a reminder of our feedback from our Parent Survey from the summer term.

Please let us know if you would prefer to complete this survey in school or if not, follow the link below.


 Parent Survey Feedback For Parents Summer 2024.pdf

Many thanks for your continued support,



Dear Parents/Carers,

Following the meeting that the Governors held with Breakfast Club/Afterschool club children, it came to light that the children would like more Lego /Minifigures to play with before and after school.

Since this meeting, we have looked and are rather astounded at the cost of such things now.

If you have children that have perhaps grown out of lego/minifigures, we would be happy to take them off your hands!

We are also after ‘small world’ items such as cars, farm animals, dolls, action figures, building blocks and push chair/prams.

If you can donate, please bring them along to the office.

Many thanks

Miss Cook

Parent Governor Election Results

We are pleased to announce that Amanda Price has been successful in renewing her role as Parent Governor following the recent parent elections. Amanda’s dedication and commitment to our school community have been invaluable, and we are delighted that she will continue to serve on the governing board for the next four years.

Her new term of office will commence on the 11th March.

Finance & Personnel committee school involvement

The Finance and Personnel Committee met on Monday 2nd December. They carefully looked at the financial aspects of our school and supported in prioritising forthcoming necessary expenditure. This included spending linked to special educational needs support. The Governors enjoyed talking to a group of children who attend our Breakfast and Afterschool club provision. They were happy to hear that the children spoke positively about both offers. The children suggested that money should be spent on more lego and minifigures! This will be investigated! Donations are gratefully received!

Personal Development

Soon, we look forward to welcoming Buddy Bear back to Newdale for a Christmas visit! He likes to check that all the children are feeling safe and happy in school. Some of the ways we ensure this happens are below:

  • The best way to find out how the children feel is to ask them! We carry out regular pupil voice sessions using a wide cross section of pupils, and ensuring they are different every time. We might ask about what they like or would like to improve about their learning or what ideas they have to further improve the school.
  • Safeguarding Champions- their role is to be ambassadors for the pupils: children of their own age who they can go to with worries, problems or solutions!
  • Our BeSMART code promotes positive behaviour –we are so proud of all children’s excellent behaviour in school, we wanted to celebrate the Be of Behaviour! Alongside the positivity of all teaching staff, our pastoral team do an excellent job in supporting with this and ensuring everyone feels listened to.
  • Our weekly Achievement Assembly gives every pupil the opportunity to strive to be the best they can be, as well as the time to come together as a whole school team, recognising the contributions made by everyone in school.
  • Daily assemblies include two based solely on the BeSMART code and Safeguarding… these are valuable opportunities to discuss kind friendships, road safety, e-safety to name a few. Our safeguarding champions and school parliament are often involved in these assemblies too.
  • We also celebrate British Values every Wednesday and Thursday (and regularly in class), looking at current affairs and how it impacts all our lives. We want to help you to grow your children into citizens for the future. Alongside this, our extra-curricular opportunities such as residential trips, cinema and theatre experiences, regular visitors to the school, walks around the local area, family events and so much more ensure we support your child’s wider development.


We hope you can let us know if you have any further ideas to develop our school even more.