Dear Parents/Carers,
As a school we are very proud to deliver the highest quality of education for your child, along with offering them all of the additional experiences that we feel make our school so unique. We never become complacent and are always striving to further improve what we do.
One of the many ways that you can support us is through completing the annual Ofsted questionnaire – ‘Parent View’. This would only take you five-minutes and would be invaluable to us in knowing what we continue to do well and what, if anything needs a tweak!
If you are unsure about any of the questions, rather than clicking the ‘don’t know option’, please visit our school website to find out more information or ask a member of the team before completing the survey. Please also find attached a reminder of our feedback from our Parent Survey from the summer term.
Please let us know if you would prefer to complete this survey in school or if not, follow the link below.
 Parent Survey Feedback For Parents Summer 2024.pdf
Many thanks for your continued support,