
Dear Parents/Carers,

Following the meeting that the Governors held with Breakfast Club/Afterschool club children, it came to light that the children would like more Lego /Minifigures to play with before and after school.

Since this meeting, we have looked and are rather astounded at the cost of such things now.

If you have children that have perhaps grown out of lego/minifigures, we would be happy to take them off your hands!

We are also after ‘small world’ items such as cars, farm animals, dolls, action figures, building blocks and push chair/prams.

If you can donate, please bring them along to the office.

Many thanks

Miss Cook

Winter illness information for parents/carers

Please see below information from the Health Protection Hub we have been asked to forward to parents/carers.

Teaching good hygiene habits

Parents/carers are urged to encourage good hygiene habits in their families, such as handwashing and using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes. Regularly washing hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser when convenient, is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of germs.


Knowing when to keep your child at home and when to send them to school

Children are encouraged to stay in school or nursery with symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or slight cough (if otherwise well and do not have a high temperature), but should stay at home if they feel too unwell to attend and/or if they have a fever.  They should stay home until the fever has passed and they are well enough to attend.  If they have diarrhoea and/or vomiting they should stay home for at least 48 hours after these symptoms clear up.  Let the school know if your child is diagnosed with other illnesses such as scarlet fever and they can advise you how for long your child should stay off school.


Stopping the spread of stomach bugs

Stomach bugs spread easily in schools and nurseries. If you or your child have diarrhoea and/or vomiting, washing hands with soap and warm water and using bleach-based products to clean surfaces will help stop infections from spreading. Don’t prepare food for others if you have such symptoms or for 48 hours after symptoms stop. If you are unwell, you should also avoid visiting people in hospitals and care homes to avoid passing on the infection to those more vulnerable. It’s important not to return to school, nursery or work until 48 hours after symptoms have stopped.


Getting vaccinated

Infections such as flu, which see a seasonal increase in winter, are easily protected against with vaccination. All primary school age children, those aged 2 years (who have turned 2 years old before the  1 September 2024) all 3 year olds and secondary school children from Year 7 to Year 11 are eligible for the flu vaccine.  This will protect the children themselves, the school community and elderly relatives.


It’s also important to ensure your children are up-to-date with their routine vaccinations, which protect against diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and polio. If you are unsure of your child’s vaccination status, you can check their “red book” or contact their GP.  


NHS UK also provides easily accessible guidance for parents to help manage winter illness at home.

Urban Games October Offer

This October Urban games are offering :-

BMX biking to multi sports sessions including cricket, football, basketball and lots of others hosted by professional coaches, there’s something for everyone at a host of venues across Telford.

Best of all, they are completely free and have been funded by the council’s Safer and Stronger Communities project.

For further information follow the link below

October Half Term Holiday Activity Programme

Take a look at our October Half Term Holiday Activity Programme covering Monday 28 October to Sunday 3 November 2024.

Lots of  fun activities for £2

For further information and to check out the brochure click on the link below

Halloween party

Don’t forget nurseries Halloween party for this Friday. Come in, fancy dress clothing ready for disco and games.
This only applies if your child attends nursery on Fridays

Reminder – Halloween Events

Dear Parents/Carers,

We will be holding a Halloween School Event on Friday 25th October after lunch. Children must come into school in their school uniform. They will then be able to change into their Halloween outfits or simply dress down after lunch (please label all items). Staff will be running a disco in the hall and carrying out Halloween fun events in the classroom. Children will go home in their outfits.

We appreciate that not all parents want their children to take part in Halloween events. If that is the case, please do let your child’s teacher know through the home school communication book. We will prepare something non-Halloween themed for them to enjoy.

Due to the Y6 trip and Y5 swimming on this day, they will have their Halloween event the day before on Thursday 24th October.

Kind regards

Miss Cook

National School Meals Week – Build a Burger Competition 2024

National School Meals Week is w/c Monday 11th November.

As part of the week, Newdale will be taking part in the Build a Burger Competition.

Children are invited to enter the competition by designing their very own burger. Children need to draw a picture of their burger and alongside this write out the ingredients they have chosen. 

The winning entry will be created by our catering team and served as our hot meal option on Tuesday 12th November.

Deadline for entries is Friday 25th October and these should be brought to the school office.

Good luck everyone!