Achievement Awards

Miss Clay’s class- Gethin for great effort in literacy- creating some fabulous adverbials.

Mrs Thomas’ class- Jody Leigh for having the resilience to persevere even when things can be tricky!

Mr Banfield’s class- Tom for determination to succeed and produce bucket loads more work.

Miss Myler’s class- Poppy for her acts of environmental kindness.

Mr Jackson’s class- Harry for excellent behaviour and contributing positively to class discussion in all lessons.

Miss Macfarlane’s class- Isla for her amazing enthusiasm on our trip yesterday!

Mrs Trevor’s class- Kyron for his love of learning not only at school but home too. He shows enthusiasm around our topic and does extra at home.

Miss Newport’s class- James for a super week at school! Great attitude and working hard. Keep it up.

Miss Hailey’s class- Corben for super effort in all of his work this week.

Miss Cullagh’s class- Jessica-Lily for working incredibly hard on her handwriting and completing some super work in Literacy, independently.

Mrs Plimmer’s class- Bryan for fantastic listening skills and interest in The Great Fire of London.

Smart Cup Winners- Year 4 for behaviour on school trip to Black Country Museum yesterday.

Year 1,2,3 Star reader- James for making a real effort to read at home! (and even remembering to answer your comprehension questions)

Year 4,5,6 Star reader- Elliot for a great improvement in the regularity of his reading.

Year 1 Great Fire of London Work

The children in Y1 have been working really hard on their History topic.

We have been learning lots of facts on this useful website which has lots of quizzes and games too. You may like to try it at home.


Have fun!


School Sandwiches

As of today children in KS2 (Years 3 to Year 6) who order a school sandwich will be making their own sandwich.

Year 6 have been making their own sandwich for a while and it has proved very successful which is why it was decided to roll out to KS2 (Years 3 to Year 6) children.

We hope the children enjoy preparing and eating their lunch.

Chinese New Year – Menu change on 30th January

To celebrate Chinese New Year the kitchen are changing the school lunch menu on 30th January to a Chinese inspired meal as follows:

Breaded chicken, noodles or rice, sweet and sour or BBQ sauce, stir fry vegetables and peas followed by ice cream.

Parent Share

We are hoping to start parent share with you in the next few weeks. Please find attached the letter for those parents who have yet to sign up. Many thanks Reception Team

Evidence Me

Achievement Awards


Miss Clay’s class- Daisy for having such a positive attitude towards her learning – ALWAYS! 😊

Mrs Thomas’ class- Delta for being such a hard-working pupil and always striving to improve. Excellent attitude! 😊

Mr Banfield’s class- Lucie for making a conscious effort to use Literacy skills across the curriculum.

Miss Myler’s class- Keon for always listening and being ready to learn.

Mr Jackson’s class- Chelsea-May for working very hard on the presentation of her work, especially her handwriting. Chelsea has achieved her goal of getting a pen licence and has continued to maintain this high standard.

Miss Macfarlane’s class- Gia for always putting 100% effort into her learning at home.

Mrs McLaughlin/ Mrs Pablos’s class- Lucie for settling in so beautifully and confidently sharing her welsh book speaking the language beautifully.

Mrs Trevor’s class- Rowan for always following the smart code and always putting 100% effort in everything he does especially with a lovely smile on his face.

Miss Newport’s class- Emilia for brilliant writing and for always having a positive attitude towards her learning.

Miss Jones’ class- Tori for fantastic, descriptive literacy work 🙂

Miss Hailey’s class- Lydia and Zoe for beautiful artwork this week. They are very creative and produced lovely church paintings and Great Fire of London silhouette paintings.

Miss McCullagh’s class- for creating some fantastic art work based on the Great Fire of London.

Mrs Plimmer’s class- Megan for fantastic outdoor PE this week.

Star reader year 1,2,3- Arran (year 2)

Star reader year 4,5,6- Autumn (year 6)

Y4 Trip – Parent volunteers required for Mr Jackson’s class

Mr Jackson’s class require the assistance of two parent volunteers for our trip to the Black Country museum on Thursday 30th January. We will need your assistance from 8:30am until we return to school at 3:10pm. If you believe you would be able to help, please let us know by phone, in person or written in your child’s reading diary.

Many thanks,

Mr Jackson