Y4 Times Table Club – Letters will be sent home this week

This half term, your child is invited to join our Times Tables Club to maximise and support their learning outside of normal lessons. These sessions are intended to help boost your child’s confidence, memory and ability when recalling their multiplication tables.

The club will take place on a Thursday after school from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. The first session will take place on Thursday 27th February 2020. If your child attends the club, we ask that they are dedicated towards it and turn up every week unless there is a genuine reason e.g. dentist appointment. Please note that your child will need to be picked up from outside the double doors at the back of the hall at 4.15pm.

 Please note that there will not be a Times Table club session on Thursday 19th March as this is Parents’ Evening week.

Please complete and return the attached consent form by Tuesday 11th February 2020.

Helping your child with their times tables

What can you do to help your child in practising their times tables?

  • Times tables chanting: “6, 12, 18, 24
  • Times tables chanting in reverse order: “108, 99, 90, 81
  • Using times tables songs
  • Using apps, like the one by  Times Tables Rock Stars or Hit the Button
  • Using free online games, like those on Top Marks
  • Asking your child multiplication calculations out of order, like: “What is 4 x 7? What is 9 x 5? What is 6 x 11?”;
  • Using pasta pieces or pebbles to show groups of numbers representing times tables, e.g. four groups of three pasta shells to show 3 x 4 = 12;

Useful Websites:




For further information, please visit: https://blog.oxfordowl.co.uk/what-is-the-year-4-multiplication-tables-check/

Achievement Awards


Miss Clay’s class- Daisy for having such a positive attitude towards her learning – ALWAYS! 😊

Mrs Thomas’ class- Delta for being such a hard-working pupil and always striving to improve. Excellent attitude! 😊

Mr Banfield’s class- Lucie for making a conscious effort to use Literacy skills across the curriculum.

Miss Myler’s class- Keon for always listening and being ready to learn.

Mr Jackson’s class- Chelsea-May for working very hard on the presentation of her work, especially her handwriting. Chelsea has achieved her goal of getting a pen licence and has continued to maintain this high standard.

Miss Macfarlane’s class- Gia for always putting 100% effort into her learning at home.

Mrs McLaughlin/ Mrs Pablos’s class- Lucie for settling in so beautifully and confidently sharing her welsh book speaking the language beautifully.

Mrs Trevor’s class- Rowan for always following the smart code and always putting 100% effort in everything he does especially with a lovely smile on his face.

Miss Newport’s class- Emilia for brilliant writing and for always having a positive attitude towards her learning.

Miss Jones’ class- Tori for fantastic, descriptive literacy work 🙂

Miss Hailey’s class- Lydia and Zoe for beautiful artwork this week. They are very creative and produced lovely church paintings and Great Fire of London silhouette paintings.

Miss McCullagh’s class- for creating some fantastic art work based on the Great Fire of London.

Mrs Plimmer’s class- Megan for fantastic outdoor PE this week.

Star reader year 1,2,3- Arran (year 2)

Star reader year 4,5,6- Autumn (year 6)

Year 3/4 Football Team ⚜

Well done to the year 3/4 football team who did very well in their match against Grange Park last week.

Y4 Trip – Parent volunteers required for Mr Jackson’s class

Mr Jackson’s class require the assistance of two parent volunteers for our trip to the Black Country museum on Thursday 30th January. We will need your assistance from 8:30am until we return to school at 3:10pm. If you believe you would be able to help, please let us know by phone, in person or written in your child’s reading diary.

Many thanks,

Mr Jackson

Y4 Trip Update – Thursday 30th January 2020

Y4 Trip Update – Thursday 30th January 2020

Black Country Living Museum

We will be leaving school at 8:50am and will be returning to school at 3:10pm. Please ensure that your child is in school for an earlier time of 8:30am so that we can leave on time.

Children will need to wear their school uniform on the trip. As some of the museum is outdoor (similar to Blists Hill), children will need to wear appropriate footwear (trainers/walking shoes), and wear a warm, waterproof coat. Hats, gloves and scarfs are also advisable given the current weather.

Children will need to bring a packed lunch as well as a bottle of water. Please can these be in a plastic bag with your child’s name on so that they can be easily thrown away afterwards.

Many thanks

The Year 4 team

Gymnastics Achievement

We are very proud of Niamh for her recent gymnastic competition successes. You have shown great skills and perseverance and should be extremely proud. Well done :)

Achievement Awards

Miss Clay’s class- Alisha for always trying her hardest and for being such a lovely member of the class!

Mrs Thomas’ class- Frazer for making such a huge effort with handwriting and persevering! 😊

Mr Banfield’s class- Daniel for being extremely reflective about his learning across the curriculum and finding countless opportunities to impress!

Miss Myler’s class- Logan for being really switched on for our tricky fractions lessons.

Mr Jackson’s class- Lola for always giving 100% effort in class and impeccable behaviour at all times.

Mrs McLaughlin/ Ms Pablos’ class- Izabel for reading at home every night and being a hardworking and lovely member of our class.

Miss Macfarlane’s class- Olly for his improved attitude towards completing homework and reading at home.

Mrs Trevor’s class- Riley for is determination and positive attitude to all areas of learning this week, even at home which is a huge improvement. We have noticed a massive difference in him. Very proud of you Riley.

Miss Newport’s class- Gracja for putting 100% effort into all of her learning.

Miss Jones’ class- T-J for 100% enthusiasm in all areas of his learning and being a fantastic friend to all.

Miss Hailey’s class- Emilio for his enthusiasm and engagement in our new Great Fire of London topic. He has been listening very well!

Miss McCullagh’s class- James for fantastic effort both in and out of school this week. He has been working so hard in all lessons and has even gone the extra mile with his work at home!

Mrs Plimmer’s class- Max for following Smart Code in the Den all week

Year 1,2,3 Star Reader- Tori

Year 4,5,6 Star Reader- Iwan


Achievement Awards

Miss Clay’s class- Jacob for showing an amazing attitude to work and making a fantastic, fresh start to Spring term- particularly in maths.

Mrs Thomas’ class- Jayden for superb effort in class and making a real effort.

Mr Banfield’s class- Maisie for showing an amazing attitude to work and making a fantastic, fresh start to Spring term.

Miss Myler’s class- Libby for producing fantastic work for Share Aware week and demonstrating a mature attitude.

Mr Jackson’s class- Jaxson for being enthusiastic towards his maths with a determination to improve. This has resulted in great test scores and moving up groups in Maths.

Mrs McLaughlin/ Mrs Pablos’s class- Kyan for fabulous fractions.

Miss Macfarlane’s class- Ethaniel for settling in well to year 4- it’s like he has always been a member of the class!

Mrs Trevor’s class- Amaara for her super enthusiasm and engagement in Maths this week with fractions. Keep it up!

Miss Newport’s class- Theo for excellent coding skills and for great knowledge about how to stay safe online.

Miss Jones’ class- Holly for brilliant programming skills and great discussion on how to stay safe online.

Miss Hailey’s class- Sebastian for a wonderful first week back, super subtraction work in particular!

Miss McCullagh’s class- Mason for using his initiative to complete a fantastic science project at home!

Mrs Plimmer’s class- Oliver for fantastic share aware knowledge all week.

Star reader year 1,2&3- Jean for great sounding out and becoming fluent in reading.

Star reader year 4,5&6- Lucy for continuing her reading progress over the holidays

Message from Miss Cook

School opens at 8.40 a.m. We are noticing that lots of the older children are coming into school way before this time. As you know we don’t have staff supervising before the bell goes and therefore these children remain the responsibility of parents. Unfortunately, some of these children are not following our SMART code and we are concerned that someone may get hurt. Please can you monitor when your children leaves for school to avoid this from happening.

We have also had complaints from other parents (parent survey) about children kicking balls and riding bikes/scooters on the school site before and after school. Please can you ensure your child is supervised and pushes their bikes/scooters to avoid other children from getting hurt.

We open the gates before the bell goes, but that is not to say that children are permitted to play on the school equipment. We are very conscious of our Health and Safety requirements and don’t want unsupervised children getting hurt.

Many thanks for your support in these matters.

Miss Cook