
At Newdale, we pride ourselves on our calm and orderly environment which enables our pupils to learn effectively. Our ‘BeSMART code’ is the backbone to our behaviour system and we believe that a positive approach is the key to good behaviour. We want to support our pupils in developing a sense of pride in their efforts; both with their learning and with their behaviour.  We reward positive behaviour, for example with stickers, house points and gold cards. Please ask your children about this at home so that you can further celebrate this together. Please see the attached document for more information about Newdale’s behaviour system and how you can use our systems to support behaviour at home too!


Parent’s Evening – Year 1 – 6

The map below shows the entry and exit points for parents’ evening for the week beginning Monday 2nd December 2024. Please note that if your appointment is after 5:30pm on Monday or Tuesday, that you will need to enter and exit the school via the school office.


After school clubs this week

The following clubs will not take place this week due to Parent’s evening. Parents were charged accordingly when booking the clubs.

Young voices

Dance Club

Coding Club

Recorder Club

Y1 and Y4 Christmas Craft/Activities Club

Well-being Club

After school clubs – next week

The following clubs will not take place next week due to Parent’s evening. Parents were charged accordingly when booking the clubs.

Dance Club

Coding Club

Recorder Club

Y1, Y2 and Y4 Christmas Craft/Activities Club

Well-being Club


Parents’ Evening

Whilst you wait in the corridor for your parents’ evening appointment next week, please feel free to look through your child’s books. You will notice some questions have been printed for you to ask your child about their learning. A great way of getting children to remember their learning is to regularly revisit past knowledge. We are planning in lots of time for children to do this and felt parents evening was an opportunity not to be missed. Please spend a few minutes with your child talking about their learning this half term and you never know you might learn something new too!

We look forward to welcoming parents and carers into the school next week.

Miss Cook

Y1 & Y2 Nativity – Beep Beep Bethlehem

Tickets for the Y1 & Y2 Nativity ‘Beep Beep Bethlehem’ on Friday 13th December will go live on ParentPay this evening around 7pm.

There are 2 showings available, 9:30am and 1:30pm. Please ensure you book the correct showing you wish to attend as we can not guarantee these can be changed due to the demand for tickets. Tickets are £2 each.

As is tradition, Year 2 will be taking on all the speaking roles this year and Year 1 will be singing as a wonderful choir.

Deadline for booking is 12 noon on Monday 2nd December. Any spare tickets will go on ParentPay on Tuesday 3rd December.

Children and staff look forwarding to welcoming you on the day!

Thank you

Flu vaccinations – Reception – Year 6

Please see attached letter regarding flu vaccinations that was sent out last week, this includes a link on the back page to use as well as the QR code.

Flu immunisation – letter – Dec 2024

Year 2 at the Cinema

The children had a wonderful day at the cinema yesterday and were a credit to Newdale.

Thank you to our volunteers who came to help.

Below are some pictures of our trip:



Year 2 Snow day !

What a lovely white morning it is!

We’d like you to have a lovely snowy day!

Here are some of the things we’d like you to do while you are enjoying the snow.

  • Read and record in their diary
  • TTRS links to current maths – practise your times tables


  • You could go on your own nature walk and take some pictures of nature in the snow or take some pictures of your house or garden- think about the skills you have learnt in computing… hold the camera still, does is have good lighting, make sure the subject is in the frame and check it is clear. Email your pictures to us on the class email


  • For writing we have decided we want you to record a diary of your snow day so we can use it in our literacy writing and Chance to Shine, it needs to include:
  • the food you had for breakfast, dinner and tea
  • the activities you completed – did you stay in your pjs? go for a walk? build a snowman? throw snowballs? snuggle up in the warm watching films? let us know what you did
  • how were you feeling when you found out it was a snow day, how did you feel in the snow


  • You could draw a picture of your of snowy house or garden.
  • Snow-related activities e.g. build a snow sculpture, can you make a few and order them from tallest to shortest?

Any work you complete please bring to school or email us on

Have a lovely day,

Miss Lowe and Miss Hill

Year 2 – Cinema Volunteers

Year 2 are looking for volunteers for the Cinema Trip on Tuesday 19th November from 9:15-12:15.

If you would like to come, please speak with the class teacher/teaching assistant or write a note in your child’s reading diary.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 2 Team.