Year 5 & 6 Christmas Quiz

The Y5 & 6 Christmas Quiz events are now live on ParentPay. Tickets are £2. Please see below for timings for each class. Please bring a mug for yourself and your child. Deadline for booking is Wednesday 11th December.





Flu vaccinations – Reception – Year 6

Please see attached letter regarding flu vaccinations that was sent out last week, this includes a link on the back page to use as well as the QR code.

Flu immunisation – letter – Dec 2024

Year 5 remote learning.

Good morning year 5!  Happy SNOW day 😄❄️
Some tasks to keep you busy are on google classroom. You can complete them in any order.

1) Literacy and spellings
Complete the speech task on google classroom. Or, use this link: Speech interrupted: inverted commas and punctuation rules | Oak National Academy

2) Reading
Review a book at home. Create a book review in your reading diaries.

3) Maths
Complete the task on google classroom. If you can’t get on, here is a similar task:
Explain how to calculate the area of a rectangle using multiplication | Oak National Academy

4) Science
Complete the task on google classroom or create your own friction experiment.
Use the link to learn more about the force of friction: Friction: plan | Oak National Academy
Investigation ideas:
How does friction affect the speech of different materials across snow?
Which surface has the least friction?
Which material has the most friction for walking on snow/ice?

5) Competition time!
Get out there early… Who can create the tallest snow sculpture? Share photos with us and include height measurements.

  • Choose Your Location: Find a flat and open space where you can build your sculpture.
    The more compact the snow is, the easier it will be to work with.
  • Plan Your Design: Decide what shape your snow sculpture will take. The taller the sculpture, the more wide you’ll need to make the base to prevent it from toppling over.
  • Measure the Height: To measure the height of your sculpture, stand a ruler or
    measuring tape next to the sculpture and measure from the ground to the top. You might need a second person to help you measure accurately.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe in the snow!

Year 5 team

Year 5 Snow Day Activities

Year 5 – Snow day activities

Good morning everyone,

We hope you have a great day at home today and are able to spend some time outside playing safely in the snow! Please find below some tasks we would love you to have a go at between snow based activities.

These activities will all be live to you on google classroom shortly.


Please complete the speech task on google classroom or in your homework books.


Iceberg Areas

Find the area of the icebergs. To find the area of a triangle multiply the height on the iceberg by the width and then divide by two!

Please also access TTRS. Remember there is the TTRS trophy up for grabs this week!


Complete the task on google classroom or create your own friction experiment.

History Viking Research

Continuing the work we were doing in class yesterday, we would love to hear about any further research you can do on the Vikings. It could be more information about their travelling expeditions and how they travelled, or it could be about another part of the Vikings.

Snowmen and Snow Art Competition!

We would also like you to have a nice time outside enjoying the snowy weather! We would love to see who can build the biggest or most inventive snowman or snow sculpture! Alternatively, any ‘snow art’ you can produce would also be great to see.

We would also love to see your snowmen/snow sculptures by sending them to the email below.

You can add a comment to this post if you have any questions for us.

Mr Jackson and Mrs King

Yr5 BeSMART treat

Woohoo! Year 5 won the BeSMART cup on Friday 4th November!

trophy cup and Medals vector set 04 free download

We would love to celebrate with them on Wednesday 13th November. On this day, children are invited to bring in slippers to wear in the classroom and a boardgame they would like to play with friends in the afternoon.

Please no trading cards, as they can cause arguments, or games which need to connect to the internet (e.g. Nintendo switches).

Y1-6 Parents’ Evenings w/c Monday 2nd December 2024

Y1-6 Parents’ Evenings Week Beginning Monday 2nd December 2024

To give parents and carers plenty of notice to book their child’s appointment, we will be sending out letters next week. Your child will be given a letter by their class teacher. Please fill out and return promptly. Please note that we are no longer using the online system and have reverted back to having paper letters. Our School Cloud subscription was over £1000 a year for a service we only used twice a year. Instead, we will use this money to continue to subsidise for trips and visits.

Yr5 Shrewsbury Trip

Our Year 5 pupils thoroughly impressed today’s workshop leaders with their excellent behaviour and attitude to learning. It truly was a wonderful start to our new history topic and a celebratory end our monoprint art unit.

Below you can see the replica Viking burial we investigated as historians. We looked at their beautiful jewellery, ornate necklaces, shell game pieces and drinking horns. It made us wonder whether the Vikings really were the vicious, deadly invaders most people remember them as. Children handled Viking artefacts with care and learnt how to write in Viking runes.

We were so proud of the sketches, monoprints and the Viking clay pots our year 5’s produced.

After School Sports clubs – next half term (Y1-6)

After school clubs for next half term will go live tomorrow at around 7pm. Please note, we will once again be running an additional KS2 football club. The following clubs will take place:

Monday – Basketball & Netball

Tuesday – Gymnastics & KS1 Football

Wednesday – Badminton

Thursday – KS2 Football & Top Hat

Friday – Dodgeball & KS2 Football

Parents Evenings

Reception’s parents’ evening is the week beginning Monday 11th November. Paper letters were sent home last week with the children. If you haven’t filled in the form please do so and return to your child’s teacher.

Y1-6 parent’s evenings will be during the week beginning Monday 2nd December. Please note that we have reverted back to our old system for arranging appointments. For the last couple of years, we have used an online booking system. This system came with an annual subscription of £1,000, which was used only twice a year. Due to tighter budgets this year, we have decided to move back to our old system (paper letters) and put the £1,000 towards subsidising for trips and visits.


Many thanks