History Walk

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our history walk has been re-scheduled for Wednesday 24th April. Please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing on this day.

The Year 6 Team

NSPCC Workshops for Parents

Workshop taking place on the following dates:

Tuesday 16th April, 2-3pm at Newdale Primary School

Tuesday 26th March, 6-7pm via Zoom using the following details:


Meeting ID: 899 7850 5526


Parent’s Evening entrance points

Please see below entrance points for Parent’s Evening this week. Please do not exit the building via the office, please leave via the the door you entered. Thank you



School lunch information

As we approach the end of the financial year, all ParentPay lunch accounts must be in credit before ordering a school lunch. This means that parents will need to make sure they have added money onto their account before the child orders their lunch for that day.  From Monday 18th March, if your child orders a school lunch and your account does not have the funds to cover the meal, the office will contact you to either bring in a lunch from home for your child or a payment must be made straight away on ParentPay. Please note that any debt after the 22nd March, will be charged to school so please can you ensure that this isn’t the case by clearing any existing debt on your child’s account. We appreciate your co-operation on this matter.

World Book Day Swap Shop

Thank you to all of the parents who have donated to the World Book Day Swap Shop.

We are all set up and ready to go!

Please come to the Den with your tickets at 8.35 or 3.10 on the following days:

Reception/ Year 1 – Tuesday 27th February

Year 2/ Year 3 – Wednesday 28th February

Year 4/ Year 5 – Thursday 29th February

Year 6 – Friday 1st March

Please use the door pictured below to enter the Den.





History Trail Tomorrow

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 6 will be having visitors tomorrow afternoon to complete a history trail around our local area. The children should wear their usual school uniform but should also bring appropriate footwear (wellies or old trainers) in a separate bag and a waterproof coat. We will be going whatever the weather – rain is forecast.

The Year 6 Team

Mrs Arthurs’ Class – BeSMART treat

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Mrs Arthurs’ class won the BeSMART cup at the end of last week. As their treat, they will be having a “fluffy Friday” on Friday 19th January. They will wear their school uniform but can bring in something fluffy/cosy to wear such as a dressing gown or cosy jumper. The children will not wear them out to break or lunch to make sure they are kept clean, but they will wear them in lessons and around school during the day.

Kind regards,

Mrs Arthurs